馮路情不自禁,“that’s amazing,i am going to learn ying golfing。”(這真美極了,我要學打高爾夫啦。)
“ sure,why not。”(是啊,為什麽不呢。)然後,jennifer轉向屋內,指著兩間臥室, “this is yours, that’s mine。”(這間是你的,那間我的。)jennifer見馮路沉默不語,便問:“well,have you still been thinking of lee, haven’t you?”(怎麽,還在想李妮嗎?)
“no,she wants me to have another girlfriend, that is why ie to the states。”(不,她希望我再找個女朋友,我才來了美國。)
jennifer 並沒有中國女人那麽矯情,直言道:“and let’s start 。”(那就讓我們開始吧。)
“why are you so inclusive?”(你為什麽如此包容?)
“because that’s what i have seen in you。”(因為那正是我看上你的方麵,)“you are not like some men who are not ountable and change about, giving me an image of security and loyalty。”(你不像有些男人不負責任、見異思遷,給我一種安全和忠誠的印象。)
“thanks。 it’s one of many merits of you。”(謝謝你。這是你的美德之一。)
“i just see something academic in a person, because i am right a schr。 you have some talents academically as lois told me。”(我隻是看中一個人的學識,因為我就是個學者,正如路易斯告訴我的那樣,你很有學術天分。)
“you spoke too high of me, i am a student in front of you。”(你過獎了,在你麵前,我是個學生。)
“it seems to you that you have to do in rome as rome does。 we american women don’t like a man who is too modest before them even though they don’t care who he is。”(看來你還需要入鄉隨俗。我們美國女人並不喜歡一個男人在她們麵前太謙虛了,盡管她們並不在乎他是什麽人。)
jennifer說完,開始幫他整理行李,她的一舉一動真有點像李妮,就連收拾行李的方式都和李妮一樣。馮路想大概美麗的女人都有某種通性吧。整理完東西,jennifer問:“you want something to eat?”(你想吃點什麽?)
“let’s go out for dinner tonight。”(我們今晚出去吃吧。)
“where to go?”上哪兒呢?
“any chinese restaurant nearby?”(附近有沒有中餐館? )
e on, you have to change the way you ate and start over from now on。。”(得了,你要改掉你的飲食習慣,從現在起,重新開始。)
“ok,you do it, i help。”(好吧,你來做,我幫忙。)
jennifer從冰箱裏拿出事先準備好的麵包、奶酪、切成薄片的火腿腸,還取出一袋包裝好的生菜。不一會兒,兩塊三明治就包好了。或許是為了增加點浪漫的氛圍,她把兩塊三明治分別放進兩隻純白骨瓷盤裏,還各自擺上幾塊西紅柿和兩片檸檬。jennifer讓馮路把盤子端上桌,自己又去冰箱裏拿出一大桶冰凍鮮奶,倒進兩隻洗得錚亮的杯子裏。“it looks good, doesn’t it?”(看上去還不錯吧。)
“it’s really good, and healthy enough。”(真的不錯,而且很健康。)jennifer睜大那雙深凹的大眼睛。
經過倫敦的洗禮,馮路也學得紳士了許多,在jennifer身後,他把椅子向後撤了撤,待她在桌邊站好,他又將椅子往裏推了推,隨後才坐到對麵的座位上。做到這點並不難,可把紳士風度保持下去則不易。jennifer拿起三明治時,馮路已轆轆饑腸了,他恨不得馬上吃下眼前的漢堡,可一口咬下去,竟是奶酪的酸味兒,他差點吐了出來。jennifer不知到底發生了什麽,忙問:“something wrong?(怎麽啦?)他沒有迴答,隻是強咽了下去,隨後喝下一口牛奶,試圖衝淡那股怪味道。此時他腦子裏突然閃現出一個念頭-----洋妞是不是和奶酪一樣,隻當看不好用。
“it’s not going to work out。”(這樣不行啊。)
“like what?”(什麽不行啊?)jennifer 急忙問他。
馮路苦笑道:“food, i meant。”(我是說吃的。)
e on, honey, not mentioning the chinese restaurant。 you just make do with it。”(好了,親愛的,別再提你那中餐館了,就湊合湊合啦。)
“i can make shift with that for one day, not with it for the rest of my life,instead。”馮路一臉為難,(將就一天可以,一輩子可將就不了。)
“honey,you got to be used to all these things, because you are a great guy, not beaten by this little stuff。 it’s not a big deal。”jennifer像在哄小孩,(親愛的,你得適應這一切,你是個了不起的男子漢,不會被這點小事壓垮的,這實在算不了什麽。)
“you know, the west food is not that healthy sometimes, just like what you did today, cheese, ham, they are not good enough。 as thetest research shows, they are totally junk food。 it would hurt your body deadly if you ate them too much。”(你知道嘛,西餐有時不是很健康的,就拿你今天做的東西來說吧,奶酪,火腿,都不太好,最新的研究表明,他們都是垃圾食品,吃多了,會對你的身體造成致命的傷害。)
jennifer點點頭,“so i heard too。”(我也是這麽聽說的。)但她又揶揄道:“chinese food is not necessarily better than that,as against the life-span of your chinese。”(就你們中國人的壽命來看,中餐也好不到哪裏去。)
馮路見此路不通,隻好繞開健康話題,說:“those raw vegetables tastes nothing。”(那些生素菜吃起來一點味道都沒有。)
“at least we keep the vitamin of them。”(起碼保持了其中的維生素。)
馮路無可奈何,“you win, you win, no cheese any more for me, please。”(算你能說,不過,下次別給我放奶酪啦,好嘛。)
jennifer遷就道:“ok,just one day for west food, another for chinese one, we can make a turn every other day。(好吧,那就一天西餐,一天中餐,我們隔一天輪換一下。)馮路剛要妥協,jennifer接著又說:“i make my food, you do yours, i cannot fix them both。”(不過,我做西餐,你做中餐,我可做不了兩種。)
“you said you wanted to learn making chinese food。”(你不是說想學做中餐嘛。)
jennifer揪住他的鼻子搖了搖,從牙縫裏擠出兩個字:“no way。”(沒門兒。
“ sure,why not。”(是啊,為什麽不呢。)然後,jennifer轉向屋內,指著兩間臥室, “this is yours, that’s mine。”(這間是你的,那間我的。)jennifer見馮路沉默不語,便問:“well,have you still been thinking of lee, haven’t you?”(怎麽,還在想李妮嗎?)
“no,she wants me to have another girlfriend, that is why ie to the states。”(不,她希望我再找個女朋友,我才來了美國。)
jennifer 並沒有中國女人那麽矯情,直言道:“and let’s start 。”(那就讓我們開始吧。)
“why are you so inclusive?”(你為什麽如此包容?)
“because that’s what i have seen in you。”(因為那正是我看上你的方麵,)“you are not like some men who are not ountable and change about, giving me an image of security and loyalty。”(你不像有些男人不負責任、見異思遷,給我一種安全和忠誠的印象。)
“thanks。 it’s one of many merits of you。”(謝謝你。這是你的美德之一。)
“i just see something academic in a person, because i am right a schr。 you have some talents academically as lois told me。”(我隻是看中一個人的學識,因為我就是個學者,正如路易斯告訴我的那樣,你很有學術天分。)
“you spoke too high of me, i am a student in front of you。”(你過獎了,在你麵前,我是個學生。)
“it seems to you that you have to do in rome as rome does。 we american women don’t like a man who is too modest before them even though they don’t care who he is。”(看來你還需要入鄉隨俗。我們美國女人並不喜歡一個男人在她們麵前太謙虛了,盡管她們並不在乎他是什麽人。)
jennifer說完,開始幫他整理行李,她的一舉一動真有點像李妮,就連收拾行李的方式都和李妮一樣。馮路想大概美麗的女人都有某種通性吧。整理完東西,jennifer問:“you want something to eat?”(你想吃點什麽?)
“let’s go out for dinner tonight。”(我們今晚出去吃吧。)
“where to go?”上哪兒呢?
“any chinese restaurant nearby?”(附近有沒有中餐館? )
e on, you have to change the way you ate and start over from now on。。”(得了,你要改掉你的飲食習慣,從現在起,重新開始。)
“ok,you do it, i help。”(好吧,你來做,我幫忙。)
jennifer從冰箱裏拿出事先準備好的麵包、奶酪、切成薄片的火腿腸,還取出一袋包裝好的生菜。不一會兒,兩塊三明治就包好了。或許是為了增加點浪漫的氛圍,她把兩塊三明治分別放進兩隻純白骨瓷盤裏,還各自擺上幾塊西紅柿和兩片檸檬。jennifer讓馮路把盤子端上桌,自己又去冰箱裏拿出一大桶冰凍鮮奶,倒進兩隻洗得錚亮的杯子裏。“it looks good, doesn’t it?”(看上去還不錯吧。)
“it’s really good, and healthy enough。”(真的不錯,而且很健康。)jennifer睜大那雙深凹的大眼睛。
經過倫敦的洗禮,馮路也學得紳士了許多,在jennifer身後,他把椅子向後撤了撤,待她在桌邊站好,他又將椅子往裏推了推,隨後才坐到對麵的座位上。做到這點並不難,可把紳士風度保持下去則不易。jennifer拿起三明治時,馮路已轆轆饑腸了,他恨不得馬上吃下眼前的漢堡,可一口咬下去,竟是奶酪的酸味兒,他差點吐了出來。jennifer不知到底發生了什麽,忙問:“something wrong?(怎麽啦?)他沒有迴答,隻是強咽了下去,隨後喝下一口牛奶,試圖衝淡那股怪味道。此時他腦子裏突然閃現出一個念頭-----洋妞是不是和奶酪一樣,隻當看不好用。
“it’s not going to work out。”(這樣不行啊。)
“like what?”(什麽不行啊?)jennifer 急忙問他。
馮路苦笑道:“food, i meant。”(我是說吃的。)
e on, honey, not mentioning the chinese restaurant。 you just make do with it。”(好了,親愛的,別再提你那中餐館了,就湊合湊合啦。)
“i can make shift with that for one day, not with it for the rest of my life,instead。”馮路一臉為難,(將就一天可以,一輩子可將就不了。)
“honey,you got to be used to all these things, because you are a great guy, not beaten by this little stuff。 it’s not a big deal。”jennifer像在哄小孩,(親愛的,你得適應這一切,你是個了不起的男子漢,不會被這點小事壓垮的,這實在算不了什麽。)
“you know, the west food is not that healthy sometimes, just like what you did today, cheese, ham, they are not good enough。 as thetest research shows, they are totally junk food。 it would hurt your body deadly if you ate them too much。”(你知道嘛,西餐有時不是很健康的,就拿你今天做的東西來說吧,奶酪,火腿,都不太好,最新的研究表明,他們都是垃圾食品,吃多了,會對你的身體造成致命的傷害。)
jennifer點點頭,“so i heard too。”(我也是這麽聽說的。)但她又揶揄道:“chinese food is not necessarily better than that,as against the life-span of your chinese。”(就你們中國人的壽命來看,中餐也好不到哪裏去。)
馮路見此路不通,隻好繞開健康話題,說:“those raw vegetables tastes nothing。”(那些生素菜吃起來一點味道都沒有。)
“at least we keep the vitamin of them。”(起碼保持了其中的維生素。)
馮路無可奈何,“you win, you win, no cheese any more for me, please。”(算你能說,不過,下次別給我放奶酪啦,好嘛。)
jennifer遷就道:“ok,just one day for west food, another for chinese one, we can make a turn every other day。(好吧,那就一天西餐,一天中餐,我們隔一天輪換一下。)馮路剛要妥協,jennifer接著又說:“i make my food, you do yours, i cannot fix them both。”(不過,我做西餐,你做中餐,我可做不了兩種。)
“you said you wanted to learn making chinese food。”(你不是說想學做中餐嘛。)
jennifer揪住他的鼻子搖了搖,從牙縫裏擠出兩個字:“no way。”(沒門兒。