[5]cf.,for instance,the information in l.bréhier,l’eglise et l’orient au moyen age(1921),1 ff.and 114 f.

    [6]the greek versions are edited by j.schmitt,the chronicle of morea,london 1904;the italian version,cronaca di morea,by c.hopf,chroniques gréco-romanes,berlin 1873;the french by j.longnon,livre de conqueste de princée de l’amorée,paris 1911;the aragonese by a.morel-fatio,libro de los fechos et conquistas del principado de morea,geneva 1885;english trans.h.e.lurier,new york 1964.

    [7]ed.withmentary by heisenberg,‘neue quellen’1-3。

    [8]a heisenberg,nicephori blemmydae curriculum vitae et carmina,leipzig 1896;the prolegomena gives a detailed ount of the life and writings of blemmydes.

    [9]ed.k.emminger,studien zu den griechischen fürstenspiegeln 1.zumdes nikephoros blemmydes,gymnasial-programm,munich 1906.cf.the criticalments on this by e.kurtz,bnj 3(1922),337 ff.,and s.g.mercati,bs 9(1948),182 ff.

    [10]a.heisenberg,niceph.blemm.100-19;j.b.bury,‘an unpubli射d poem of nicephorus blemmydes’,bz 10(1901),418 ff.

    [11]n.festa,theodori ducaescaris epistexvii,florence 1898.his most important correspondents are george muzalon,n.blemmydes and acropolites.blemmydes’own letters are printed in append.3,pp.290-329(thirty-one to theodore 2 and one each to the despot mi插el 2 of epirus and the patriarch manuel)。

    [12]a list of the writings of theodore 2scaris is given by j.b.papadopoulos,theodore 2scaris,empereur de nicée,paris 1908,pp.ix ff.


    [14]some extracts are publi射d by f.uspenskij,‘o rukopisjach istorii nikity akominata v parizskoj nacion.bibl.,(the manuscripts of the history of nicetas inatus in the bibliothèque nationale,paris),zmnp 194(1877),76.the contents of the oration are expounded in detail by m.andreeva,’a propos de l’éloge de l’empereur jean 3 batatzès par son fils théodore 2scaris’,annales de l’inst.kondakov 10(1938),133 ff.

    [15]l.bachmann,theodori ducaescaris imperatoris inuden nicaeae urbis oratio,rostock 1847.there is a detailed analysis of an unedited speech on the duties of subjects towards their ruler by eppa-zizicas,‘un traitéinédit de théodore 2scaris’,actes du vie congrès internat.d’etudes byz.1(1950),199 ff.

    [16]ed.withmentary by heisenberg,‘piologenzeit’97 ff.

    [17]miklosich-müller 3,68-76;critical edition with many emendations and detailedmentary by n.festa,‘le lettere greche di federigo 2’,archivio storico italiano,ser.v,t.13(1894),1-34.

    [18]a list of the fifteen known documents(in part surviving only in atin trans.)of the epirote rulers with valuablements is given by p.lemerle,‘trois actes du despote d’(1953),407 ff.cf.also idem,‘le privilège du despote d’epire thomas i pour le vénitien jacques contareno’,bz 44(1951),389 ff.;m.markovic,‘vizantiske povelje dubrovackog arhiva’(byzantine documents in the archives of dubrovnik),zbornik radova viz.inst.1(1952),205 ff.

    [19]v.g.vasiljevskij,‘epirotica saeculi x3’,553(1896),233-99;s.pétridès,‘jean apokaukos,lettres et autres documents inédits’,izv.russk.archeol.inst.v.konstantinopole 14(1909),69-100;papadopulos-kerameus,‘(1909),379-83.cf.also m.wellnhofer,johannes apokaukos,metropolit von naupaktos in aetolien(c.1155-1233).sein leben und seine stellung im despotate von epiros unter mi插el dukas und theodoros komnenos,freising 1913.

    [20]j.b.pitra,analecta sacra et ssica specilegio solesmensi parata 6(1891).this material has recently been excellently dealt with by d.angelov,‘prinos kuum narodnostnite i pozemelni otnosenjia v makedonija(epirskija despotat)prez puurvata cetvuurt na x3 venk’(a contribution to the study of racial and agrarian conditions in macedonia(despotate of epirus)in the first quarter of the thirteenth century),izv.na kamarata na nar.kultura 4,3(1947),1-46.cf.also m.drinov,‘o nekotorych trudach dimitrija chomatiana,kak istoriceskom materiale’(on certain writings of demetrius chomatianus as historical evidence),551(1894),319-40;2(1895),1-23.

    [21]letter to the patriarch germanus in pitra,nr.114,pp.487-98;new edition of the protest to st.sava with serbian trans.in my study,‘pismo dimitrija homatijana sv.savi’(demetrius chomatianus’letter to st.sava),sveto-savski zbornik 2(1938),91-113.

    [22]new edition,with a french trantion,h.grégoire,‘imperatoris mi插elis peologi de vita sua’,b 29/30(1959/60),447-76.

    [23]cf.a.dimitrievskij,opisanie liturg.rukopisej(description of liturgical manuscripts)1(1895),769-94,and textual emendations given by dolger,reg.2065.

    [24]ed.withmentary by heisenberg,‘piologenzeit’33 ff.;cf.also dolger,reg.1994.

    [25]the information in the chronicle of the morea is particrly instructive in this respect.cf.also tafel and thomas 2,57,‘omnes debemus in suo statu tenere nihil ab aliquo amplius exigentes,quam quod facere consueverant temporibus graecorum imperatorum’。



