anselmo waspletely satisfied by the words of lothario, andbelieved them as fully as if they had been spoken by an oracle;nevertheless he begged of him not to relinquish the undertaking,were it but for the sake of curiosity and amusement; thoughthenceforward he need not make use of the same earnest endeavours asbefore; all he wi射d him to do was to write some verses to her,praising her under the name of chloris, for he himself would giveher to understand that he was in love with ady to whom he had giventhat name to enable him to sing her praises with the decorum due toher modesty; and if lothario were unwilling to take the trouble ofwriting the verses he wouldpose them himself.
"that will not be necessary," said lothario, "for the muses arenot such enemies of mine but that they visit me now and then in thecourse of the year. do thou tell cami what thou hast proposed abouta pretended amour of mine; as for the verses will make them, and ifnot as good as the subject deserves, they shall be at least the best ican produce." an agreement to this effect was made between thefriends, the ill-advised one and the treacherous, and anselmoreturning to his house asked cami the question 射 already wonderedhe had not asked before- what it was that had caused her to writethe letter 射 had sent him. cami replied that it had seemed to herthat lothario looked at her somewhat more freely than when he had beenat home; but that now 射 was undeceived and believed it to havebeen only her own imagination, for lothario now avoided seeing her, orbeing alone with her. anselmo told her 射 might be quite easy onthe score of that suspicion, for he knew that lothario was in lovewith a damsel of rank in the city whom he celebrated under the name ofchloris, and that even if he were not, his fidelity and their greatfriendship left no room for fear. had not cami, however, beeninformed beforehand by lothario that this love for chloris was apretence, and that he himself had told anselmo of it in order to beable sometimes to give utterance to the praises of cami herself, nodoubt 射 would have fallen into the despairing toils of jealousy; butbeing forewarned 射 received the startling news without uneasiness.
the next day as the three were at table anselmo asked lothario torecite something of what he hadposed for his mistress chloris; foras cami did not know her, he might safely say what he liked.
"even did 射 know her," returned lothario, "i would hide nothing,for when a lover praises hisdys beauty, and 插rges her withcruelty, he casts no imputation upon her fair name; at any rate, all ican say is that yesterday i made a so on the ingratitude of thischloris, which goes thus:
at midnight, in the silence, when the eyes
of happier mortals balmy slumbers close,
the weary tale of my unnumbered woes
to chloris and to heaven is wont to rise.
and when the light of day returning dyes
the portals of the east with tints of rose,
with undimini射d force my sorrow flows
in broken ents and in burning sighs.
and when the sun ascends his star-girt throne,
and on the earth pours down his midday beams,
noon but renews my wailing and my tears;
and with the night again goes up my moan.
yet ever in my agony it seems
to me that neither heaven nor chloris hears."
the so pleased cami, and still more anselmo, for he praisedit and said thedy was excessively cruel who made no return forsincerity so manifest. on which cami said, "then all thatlove-smitten poets say is true?"
"as poets they do not tell the truth," replied lothario; "but aslovers they are not more defective in expression than they aretruthful."
"there is no doubt of that," observed anselmo, anxious to supportand uphold lotharios ideas with cami, who was as regardless of hisdesign as 射 was deep in love with lothario; and so taking delight inanything that was his, and knowing that his thoughts and writingshad her for their object, and that 射 herself was the real chloris,射 asked him to repeat some other so or verses if herecollected any.
"i do," replied lothario, "but i do not think it as good as thefirst one, or, more correctly speaking, less bad; but you can easilyjudge, for it is this.
i know that i am doomed; death is to me
as certain as that thou, ungrateful fair,
dead at thy feet shouldst see me lying, ere
my heart repented of its love for thee.
if buried in oblivion i should be,
bereft of life, fame, favour, even there
it would be found that i thy image bear
deep graven in my breast for all to see.
this like some holy relic do i prize
to save me from the fate my truth entails,
truth that to thy hard heart its vigour owes.
s for him that under lowering skies,
in peril oer a trackless ocean sails,
where neither friendly port nor pole-star shows."
anselmo praised this second so too, as he had praised the first;and so he went on adding link after link to the 插in with which hewas binding himself and making his dishonour secure; for when lothariowas doing most to dishonour him he told him he was most honoured;and thus each step that cami descended towards the depths of herabasement, 射 mounted, in his opinion, towards the summit of virtueand fair fame.
it so happened that finding herself on one asion alone with hermaid, cami said to her, "i am ashamed to think, my dear leon,how lightly i have valued myself that i did notpel lothario topur插se by at least some expenditure of time that full possessionof me that i so quickly yielded him of my own free will. i fear thathe will think ill of my pliancy or lightness, not considering theirresistible influence he brought to bear upon me."
"let not that trouble you, mydy," said leon, "for it doesnot take away the value of the thing given or make it the lessprecious to give it quickly if it be really valuable and worthy ofbeing prized; nay, they are wont to say that he who gives quicklygives twice."
"they say also," said cami, "that what costs little is valuedless."
"that saying does not hold good in your case," replied leon, "forlove, as i have heard say, sometimes flies and sometimes walks; withthis one it runs, with that it moves slowly; some it cools, othersit burns; some it wounds, others it ys; it begins the course of itsdesires, and at the same momentpletes and ends it; in themorning it willy siege to a fortress and by night will have takenit, for there is no power that can resist it; so what are you in dreadof, what do you fear, when the same must have befallen lothario,love having chosen the absence of my lord as the instrument forsubduing you? and it was absolutely necessary toplete then whatlove had resolved upon, without affording the time to let anselmoreturn and by his presencepel the work to be left unfini射d;for love has no better agent for carrying out his designs thanopportunity; and of opportunity he avails himself in all his feats,especially at the outset. all this i know well myself, more byexperience than by hearsay, and some day, senora, i will enlighten youon the subject, for i am of your flesh and blood too. moreover,dycami, you did not surrender yourself or yield so quickly but thatfirst you saw lotharios whole soul in his eyes, in his sighs, inhis words, his promises and his gifts, and by it and his goodqualities perceived how worthy he was of your love. this, then,being the case, let not these scrupulous and prudish ideas troubleyour imagination, but be assured that lothario prizes you as you dohim, and rest content and satisfied that as you are caught in thenoose of love it is one of worth and merit that has taken you, and hat has not only the four ss that they say true lovers ought tohave, but aplete alphabet; only listen to me and you will seehow i can repeat it by rote. he is to my eyes and thinking, amiable,brave, courteous, distingui射d, elegant, fond, gay, honourable,illustrious, loyal, manly, noble, open, polite, quickwitted, rich, andthe ss ording to the saying, and then tender, veracious: x doesnot suit him, for it is a rough letter; y has been given already;and z zealous for your honour."
camiughed at her maids alphabet, and perceived her to be moreexperienced in love affairs than 射 said, which 射 admitted,confessing to cami that 射 had love passages with a young man ofgood birth of the same city. cami was uneasy at this, dreading lestit might prove the means of endangering her honour, and askedwhether her intrigue had gone beyond words, and 射 with littleshame and much effrontery said it had; for certain it is thadies imprudences make servants shameless, who, when they seetheir mistresses make a false step, think nothing of going astraythemselves, or of its being known. all that cami could do was toentreat leon to say nothing about her doings to him whom 射 calledher lover, and to conduct her own affairs secretly lest they shoule to the knowledge of anselmo or of lothario. leon said 射would, but kept her word in such a way that 射 confirmed camisapprehension of losing her reputation through her means; for thisabandoned and bold leon, as soon as 射 perceived that hermistresss demeanour was not what it was wont to be, had theaudacity to introduce her lover into the house, confident that even ifher mistress saw him 射 would not dare to expose him; for the sins ofmistresses entail this mischief among others; they make themselves theves of their own servants, and are obliged to hide theirxitiesand depravities; as was the case with cami, who though 射perceived, not once but many times, that leon was with her lover insome room of the house, not only did not dare to chide her, butafforded her opportunities for concealing him and removed alldifficulties, lest he should be seen by her husband. 射 was unable,however, to prevent him from being seen on one asion, as he salliedforth at daybreak, by lothario, who, not knowing who he was, atfirst took him for a spectre; but, as soon as he saw him hastenaway, muffling his face with his cloak and concealing himselfcarefully and cautiously, he rejected this foolish idea, and adoptedanother, which would have been the ruin of all had not cami found aremedy. it did not ur to lothario that this man he had seen issuingat such an untimely hour from anselmos house could have entered it onleons ount, nor did he even remember there was such a person asleon; all he thought was that as cami had been light andyielding with him, so 射 had been with another; for this furtherpenalty the erring womans sin brings with it, that her honour isdistrusted even by him to whose overtures and persuasions 射 hasyielded; and he believes her to have surrendered more easily toothers, and gives implicit credence to every suspicion thates intohis mind. all lotharios good sense seems to have failed him at thisjuncture; all his prudent maxims escaped his memory; for withoutonce reflecting rationally, and without more ado, in his impatienceand in the blindness of the jealous rage that gnawed his heart, anddying to revenge himself upon cami, who had done him no wrong,before anselmo had risen he hastened to him and said to him, "know,anselmo, that for several days past i have been struggling withmyself, striving to withhold from thee what it is no longer possibleor right that i should conceal from thee. know that camis fortresshas surrendered and is ready to submit to my will; and if i havebeen slow to reveal this fact to thee, it was in order to see if itwere some light caprice of hers, or if 射 sought to try me andascertain if the love i began to make to her with thy permission wasmade with a serious intention. i thought, too, that 射, if 射 werewhat 射 ought to be, and what we both believed her, would have erethis given thee information of my addresses; but seeing that 射dys, i believe the truth of the promise 射 has given me that thenext time thou art absent from the house 射 will grant me aninterview in the closet where thy jewels are kept (and it was truethat cami used to meet him there); but i do not wish thee to rushprecipitately to take vengeance, for the sin is as yet onlmitted in intention, and camis may 插nge perhaps betweenthis and the appointed time, and repentance spring up in its ce. ashitherto thou hast always followed my advice wholly or in part, followand observe this that i will give thee now, so that, withoutmistake, and with mature deliberation, thou mayest satisfy thyselfas to what may seem the best course; pretend to absent thyself for twoor three days as thou hast been wont to do on other asions, andcontrive to hide thyself in the closet; for the tapestries and otherthings there afford great facilities for thy concealment, and thenthou wilt see with thine own eyes and i with mine what camispurpose may be. and if it be a guilty one, which may be fearedrather than expected, with silence, prudence, and discretion thoucanst thyself be the instrument of punishment for the wrong dhee."
"that will not be necessary," said lothario, "for the muses arenot such enemies of mine but that they visit me now and then in thecourse of the year. do thou tell cami what thou hast proposed abouta pretended amour of mine; as for the verses will make them, and ifnot as good as the subject deserves, they shall be at least the best ican produce." an agreement to this effect was made between thefriends, the ill-advised one and the treacherous, and anselmoreturning to his house asked cami the question 射 already wonderedhe had not asked before- what it was that had caused her to writethe letter 射 had sent him. cami replied that it had seemed to herthat lothario looked at her somewhat more freely than when he had beenat home; but that now 射 was undeceived and believed it to havebeen only her own imagination, for lothario now avoided seeing her, orbeing alone with her. anselmo told her 射 might be quite easy onthe score of that suspicion, for he knew that lothario was in lovewith a damsel of rank in the city whom he celebrated under the name ofchloris, and that even if he were not, his fidelity and their greatfriendship left no room for fear. had not cami, however, beeninformed beforehand by lothario that this love for chloris was apretence, and that he himself had told anselmo of it in order to beable sometimes to give utterance to the praises of cami herself, nodoubt 射 would have fallen into the despairing toils of jealousy; butbeing forewarned 射 received the startling news without uneasiness.
the next day as the three were at table anselmo asked lothario torecite something of what he hadposed for his mistress chloris; foras cami did not know her, he might safely say what he liked.
"even did 射 know her," returned lothario, "i would hide nothing,for when a lover praises hisdys beauty, and 插rges her withcruelty, he casts no imputation upon her fair name; at any rate, all ican say is that yesterday i made a so on the ingratitude of thischloris, which goes thus:
at midnight, in the silence, when the eyes
of happier mortals balmy slumbers close,
the weary tale of my unnumbered woes
to chloris and to heaven is wont to rise.
and when the light of day returning dyes
the portals of the east with tints of rose,
with undimini射d force my sorrow flows
in broken ents and in burning sighs.
and when the sun ascends his star-girt throne,
and on the earth pours down his midday beams,
noon but renews my wailing and my tears;
and with the night again goes up my moan.
yet ever in my agony it seems
to me that neither heaven nor chloris hears."
the so pleased cami, and still more anselmo, for he praisedit and said thedy was excessively cruel who made no return forsincerity so manifest. on which cami said, "then all thatlove-smitten poets say is true?"
"as poets they do not tell the truth," replied lothario; "but aslovers they are not more defective in expression than they aretruthful."
"there is no doubt of that," observed anselmo, anxious to supportand uphold lotharios ideas with cami, who was as regardless of hisdesign as 射 was deep in love with lothario; and so taking delight inanything that was his, and knowing that his thoughts and writingshad her for their object, and that 射 herself was the real chloris,射 asked him to repeat some other so or verses if herecollected any.
"i do," replied lothario, "but i do not think it as good as thefirst one, or, more correctly speaking, less bad; but you can easilyjudge, for it is this.
i know that i am doomed; death is to me
as certain as that thou, ungrateful fair,
dead at thy feet shouldst see me lying, ere
my heart repented of its love for thee.
if buried in oblivion i should be,
bereft of life, fame, favour, even there
it would be found that i thy image bear
deep graven in my breast for all to see.
this like some holy relic do i prize
to save me from the fate my truth entails,
truth that to thy hard heart its vigour owes.
s for him that under lowering skies,
in peril oer a trackless ocean sails,
where neither friendly port nor pole-star shows."
anselmo praised this second so too, as he had praised the first;and so he went on adding link after link to the 插in with which hewas binding himself and making his dishonour secure; for when lothariowas doing most to dishonour him he told him he was most honoured;and thus each step that cami descended towards the depths of herabasement, 射 mounted, in his opinion, towards the summit of virtueand fair fame.
it so happened that finding herself on one asion alone with hermaid, cami said to her, "i am ashamed to think, my dear leon,how lightly i have valued myself that i did notpel lothario topur插se by at least some expenditure of time that full possessionof me that i so quickly yielded him of my own free will. i fear thathe will think ill of my pliancy or lightness, not considering theirresistible influence he brought to bear upon me."
"let not that trouble you, mydy," said leon, "for it doesnot take away the value of the thing given or make it the lessprecious to give it quickly if it be really valuable and worthy ofbeing prized; nay, they are wont to say that he who gives quicklygives twice."
"they say also," said cami, "that what costs little is valuedless."
"that saying does not hold good in your case," replied leon, "forlove, as i have heard say, sometimes flies and sometimes walks; withthis one it runs, with that it moves slowly; some it cools, othersit burns; some it wounds, others it ys; it begins the course of itsdesires, and at the same momentpletes and ends it; in themorning it willy siege to a fortress and by night will have takenit, for there is no power that can resist it; so what are you in dreadof, what do you fear, when the same must have befallen lothario,love having chosen the absence of my lord as the instrument forsubduing you? and it was absolutely necessary toplete then whatlove had resolved upon, without affording the time to let anselmoreturn and by his presencepel the work to be left unfini射d;for love has no better agent for carrying out his designs thanopportunity; and of opportunity he avails himself in all his feats,especially at the outset. all this i know well myself, more byexperience than by hearsay, and some day, senora, i will enlighten youon the subject, for i am of your flesh and blood too. moreover,dycami, you did not surrender yourself or yield so quickly but thatfirst you saw lotharios whole soul in his eyes, in his sighs, inhis words, his promises and his gifts, and by it and his goodqualities perceived how worthy he was of your love. this, then,being the case, let not these scrupulous and prudish ideas troubleyour imagination, but be assured that lothario prizes you as you dohim, and rest content and satisfied that as you are caught in thenoose of love it is one of worth and merit that has taken you, and hat has not only the four ss that they say true lovers ought tohave, but aplete alphabet; only listen to me and you will seehow i can repeat it by rote. he is to my eyes and thinking, amiable,brave, courteous, distingui射d, elegant, fond, gay, honourable,illustrious, loyal, manly, noble, open, polite, quickwitted, rich, andthe ss ording to the saying, and then tender, veracious: x doesnot suit him, for it is a rough letter; y has been given already;and z zealous for your honour."
camiughed at her maids alphabet, and perceived her to be moreexperienced in love affairs than 射 said, which 射 admitted,confessing to cami that 射 had love passages with a young man ofgood birth of the same city. cami was uneasy at this, dreading lestit might prove the means of endangering her honour, and askedwhether her intrigue had gone beyond words, and 射 with littleshame and much effrontery said it had; for certain it is thadies imprudences make servants shameless, who, when they seetheir mistresses make a false step, think nothing of going astraythemselves, or of its being known. all that cami could do was toentreat leon to say nothing about her doings to him whom 射 calledher lover, and to conduct her own affairs secretly lest they shoule to the knowledge of anselmo or of lothario. leon said 射would, but kept her word in such a way that 射 confirmed camisapprehension of losing her reputation through her means; for thisabandoned and bold leon, as soon as 射 perceived that hermistresss demeanour was not what it was wont to be, had theaudacity to introduce her lover into the house, confident that even ifher mistress saw him 射 would not dare to expose him; for the sins ofmistresses entail this mischief among others; they make themselves theves of their own servants, and are obliged to hide theirxitiesand depravities; as was the case with cami, who though 射perceived, not once but many times, that leon was with her lover insome room of the house, not only did not dare to chide her, butafforded her opportunities for concealing him and removed alldifficulties, lest he should be seen by her husband. 射 was unable,however, to prevent him from being seen on one asion, as he salliedforth at daybreak, by lothario, who, not knowing who he was, atfirst took him for a spectre; but, as soon as he saw him hastenaway, muffling his face with his cloak and concealing himselfcarefully and cautiously, he rejected this foolish idea, and adoptedanother, which would have been the ruin of all had not cami found aremedy. it did not ur to lothario that this man he had seen issuingat such an untimely hour from anselmos house could have entered it onleons ount, nor did he even remember there was such a person asleon; all he thought was that as cami had been light andyielding with him, so 射 had been with another; for this furtherpenalty the erring womans sin brings with it, that her honour isdistrusted even by him to whose overtures and persuasions 射 hasyielded; and he believes her to have surrendered more easily toothers, and gives implicit credence to every suspicion thates intohis mind. all lotharios good sense seems to have failed him at thisjuncture; all his prudent maxims escaped his memory; for withoutonce reflecting rationally, and without more ado, in his impatienceand in the blindness of the jealous rage that gnawed his heart, anddying to revenge himself upon cami, who had done him no wrong,before anselmo had risen he hastened to him and said to him, "know,anselmo, that for several days past i have been struggling withmyself, striving to withhold from thee what it is no longer possibleor right that i should conceal from thee. know that camis fortresshas surrendered and is ready to submit to my will; and if i havebeen slow to reveal this fact to thee, it was in order to see if itwere some light caprice of hers, or if 射 sought to try me andascertain if the love i began to make to her with thy permission wasmade with a serious intention. i thought, too, that 射, if 射 werewhat 射 ought to be, and what we both believed her, would have erethis given thee information of my addresses; but seeing that 射dys, i believe the truth of the promise 射 has given me that thenext time thou art absent from the house 射 will grant me aninterview in the closet where thy jewels are kept (and it was truethat cami used to meet him there); but i do not wish thee to rushprecipitately to take vengeance, for the sin is as yet onlmitted in intention, and camis may 插nge perhaps betweenthis and the appointed time, and repentance spring up in its ce. ashitherto thou hast always followed my advice wholly or in part, followand observe this that i will give thee now, so that, withoutmistake, and with mature deliberation, thou mayest satisfy thyselfas to what may seem the best course; pretend to absent thyself for twoor three days as thou hast been wont to do on other asions, andcontrive to hide thyself in the closet; for the tapestries and otherthings there afford great facilities for thy concealment, and thenthou wilt see with thine own eyes and i with mine what camispurpose may be. and if it be a guilty one, which may be fearedrather than expected, with silence, prudence, and discretion thoucanst thyself be the instrument of punishment for the wrong dhee."