jennifer收拾好要帶上的東西,等lulu一醒,一家三口就出發了。馮路開車,一路帶著她們瀏覽南江的建設。jennifer很興奮,“china is really changing too much, it’s amazing。 you know what,china struck me as somewhere like a post-war wreck。”(中國真是今非昔比、日新月異啊,太讓我驚訝了。你知道嘛,中國以前給我的印象就像戰亂後滿目瘡痍的大地。)

    馮路感慨道:“yes, china is no longer the way you imagined, some ces even better than the states。st time meeting my school fellows in l。a。, i found it’s just like a slum somewhere on the metro line between the downtown and long beach where the ck people live in an abyss of misery。”(是啊,如今中國不再是你們想象中的樣子了,甚至很多地方已超過了美國。上次去洛杉磯見我的同學,我發現市中心到長島的那段地鐵沿線上到處都是貧民窟,那裏的黑人生活得水深火熱。)

    jennifer知道馮路在逞強,不惜以己之長度他人之短,便說:“well,it’s well known that china has been developed, no one would ignore it。actually i am also proud of what china has achieved in all aspects。 after all,  my boyfriend is a chinese。”(的確,中國已經躋身於發達國家之列,這是眾所周知的事實,沒人可忽略的。老實說,我也為中國取得的成就感到驕傲,畢竟我的男朋友是中國人嘛。)

    “it’s golden saying, but we also need to face the problems with us, building up a harmony。”(金玉良言,不過,我們也需要正視自己的問題,營造和諧環境。)

    “you said it。”(這話可是你自己說的。)jennifer嘲諷道。“i am getting to know chinese can criticize themselves, not being rowed by anyone else。 is that your heritage, isn’t it?”(我現在是越來越明白,中國人可以自我批評,但不接受忠言逆耳。這是不是你們的傳統文化?)

    “it’s sort of like that, we are usually keen to pick up on our own, not by the others。”(有點這麽迴事,我們有時的確剛愎自用,不太愛接受他人的意見。)

    “no wonder you are often self-righteous。”(難怪你們總是自以為是,一意孤行。)“i seem to tell the president of united states not to challenge china if he really wants to be on good terms with them, just letting them go with themselves。”(看來我得告訴美國總統,如果他想和中國和睦相處,就不要指手劃腳,任憑他們諱疾忌醫好了。)jennifer說完,自己也笑了。

    馮路自然聽得出這弦外之音,笑著攥起拳頭做了一個‘當心點’的手勢,“ alluding to me。”(你是指桑罵槐。)

    車子接近市區,人潮洶湧,到處是紅綠燈,甚至很小的路口,車子也要停個老半天,車輛幾乎在爬行。更糟糕的是,不少過街的行人根本不理會紅綠燈,駕駛員對斑馬線也熟視無睹。jennifer直搖頭,實在不理解。她看了看馮路,揶揄道:“it’s quite busy, bustling with life。” (真是車水馬龍,川流不息啊。)

    “technically, china is still a developing country, people kind of numb with civilization, sometimes, having to be forced for that。 that’s why we are not yet able to be too democratic in china。”(嚴格地講,中國還是一個發展中國家,人們對文明的覺悟還比較麻木,有時候還需要強製,所以啊,中國還不能太民主啦。)

    “you are fit for a captain, having it both ways 。”(你適合當船長,擅長見風使舵。)

    “you really don’t know china by now, the longer you stay, the more you learn。”(你還不了解中國,呆久了,就明白了。)

    “i will try to get the mystery of the oriental culture 。”(我會努力去領會你們神秘的東方文化)。


