






    【各位地球人類,你們好!】hello, all humanity on earth!


    【我們是來自1.25億光年外的天道文明。】we are the heavenly way civilization from 125 million light-years away.

    【首先要對你們地球說一聲感謝。】first of all, i want to say a word of thanks to your earth.

    【大約在2.5億年前,我們天道文明的光速穿梭機在星際航行的過程中,由於能源枯竭,來到你們地球補充能量。】approximately 250 million years ago, in the process of interster navigation of our heavenly way civilization''s light-speed shuttles, because of the exhaustion of energy, we came to your earth to supplement energy.

    【那時候,你們地球上隻有一整塊大陸,名為盤古大陸。】at that time, on your earth, there was only one single continent, named pangu continent.

    【盤古大陸四周都是海洋,名為鴻蒙四海。】around the pangu continent were all the oceans, named hongmeng four seas.

    【在此期間,我們吸收了你們地球巨額的地核超能量,用於補充我們的光速穿梭機。】during this period, we absorbed a huge amount of earth''s core super energy on your earth to supplement our light-speed shuttles.

    【此後,由於地心核能被過度開采,導致你們整塊盤古大陸分裂成現在的歐亞板塊、非洲板塊、美洲板塊、太平洋板塊、印度洋板塊和南極洲板塊。】after that, due to the excessive exploitation of the nuclear energy of the earth''s core, it caused the whole pangu continent on your earth to split into the present eurasian te, african te, american te, pacific te, indian ocean te, and antarctic te.

    【你們地球上的曆史學家和地理學家在上個世紀也發表了著名的大陸漂移學說。】your earth''s historians and geographers also published the famous theory of continental drift in thest century.

    【比如一億年前,青藏高原還是熱帶海濱,隨後,印度洋板塊向北漂移,在5000萬年前一頭撞上青藏高原,兩個大陸板塊的擠壓,導致了8848米的珠穆朗瑪峰的出現。】for example, one hundred million years ago, the qinghai-tibet teau was still a tropical seaside. subsequently, the indian ocean te drifted northward and collided with the qinghai-tibet teau head-on 50 million years ago. the extrusion of the two continental tes led to the emergence of the 8,848-meter mount everest.

    【這就是為什麽你們的喜馬拉雅山上會發現熱帶海洋古生物化石】this is why tropical ocean paleontological fossils can be found on your himyas.

    【如今,2.5億年過去,我們天道文明曆經了1.25億光年的超時空遠航,再次降臨你們地球。】now, 250 million years have passed, and our heavenly way civilization has undergone a super-time and space voyage of 125 million light-years and has once again descended upon your earth.

    【溫馨提示:不要害怕,不要害怕,不要害怕。】warm reminder: don''t be afraid, don''t be afraid, don''t be afraid.

    【作為宇宙中的高等文明,我們一向保持著禮尚往來,有恩必還的宗旨。】as a high-level civilization in the universe, we have always maintained the purpose of courtesy requires a return of kindness and a favor must be returned.

    【我們這次降臨地球的目的,便是將2.5億年前使用的地核能量全部返還給你們。】the purpose of our descent to the earth this time is to return all the earth core energy used 250 million years ago to you.

    【所以這也是為什麽你們地球上近期出現了大量的變異怪獸和擁有超能力的人類。】thus, this is also the cause why arge number of mutant monsters and humans with super powers have emerged on your earth recently.

    【這就是地核超能引發的鏈式反應結果。】this is the result of the chain reaction caused by the earth core super energy.

    【大約在2.5億年前,你們的盤古大陸雖然是一個整體,但是大陸內部也存在著一些裂縫,這些裂縫將你們的盤古大陸分成了四大部洲。】about 250 million years ago, although your pangu continent was a whole, there were also some cracks within the continent, which divided your pangu continent into four major continents.

    【具體來劃分,可以有四大部洲,分別是東勝神洲,西牛賀洲,南贍部洲,北俱蘆洲。】specifically, it can be divided into four major continents, namely, the eastern blessed divine continent, the western ox and joy continent, the southern contemtion continent, and the northern all-containing continent.

    【在你們地球上的遠古時期,有一部古籍名為《山海經》記載著各種靈獸異獸,其實這些就是盤古大陸的古世界生物。】in the ancient times on your earth, there was an ancient book named \"shan hai jing\" which recorded various spirit beasts and strange beasts, in fact, these were the ancient world creatures of the pangu continent.

    【你們人類誕生以來,創作的很多上古神作,也是由我們天道文明遺留在地球上的神隻引導你們的古代聖賢所創作。】since your humans were born, many ancient masterpieces created were also created by your ancient sages guided by the gods that our heavenly way civilization left on the earth.

    【如今,由於地核超能的恢複,你們地球的大陸版塊將會重新聚攏成一塊整體。】nowadays, due to the recovery of the earth core super energy, the continental tes on your earth will re-converge into a single whole.

    【大約在十天後,各個大陸板塊會進行最終的碰撞重組,屆時將會造成相當大規模的地震,火山噴發與巨大海嘯。】about ten dayster, each continental te will undergo the final collision and rebination, which will cause a considerablerge-scale earthquake, volcanic eruption, and huge tsunami at that time.

    【特此提示,請各位地球人類盡快遠離大陸版塊碰撞地帶,前往平坦地區,以免造成重大傷亡,具體參考地震發生時的正確做法。】hereby prompt, please all the earth humans move away from the continental te collision zone as soon as possible and go to the t area, in order to avoid causing significant casualties. for specific reference, see the correct way of doing when an earthquake urs.

    【具體碰撞時間,8月8日8時8分】the specific collision time, 8:08 on august 8th.

    【另外,為了避免你們人類未來產生科技大爆發,我們天道文明對地球采用了時間科技禁錮鎖】in addition, in order to avoid a major technological outbreak among your humans in the future, our heavenly way civilization has adopted a time technological imprisonment lock on the earth.

    【時間科技禁錮鎖是宇宙高等文明對低等文明采取的一種終極限製手段,防止低等文明科技逆襲,從而威脅到高等文明的存在。】the time technological imprisonment lock is an ultimate restriction means adopted by the universe''s high-level civilization to the low-level civilization, to prevent the low-level civilization''s technological counterattack, thus threatening the existence of the high-level civilization.

    【所以,地球科技已經停滯在1945年之前,也就是核彈被發明之前,大約在你們人類文明的二戰時期,也就是說,二戰以後誕生的所有文明科技將會全部失靈。】therefore, earth''s technology has stagnated before 1945, that is, before the invention of the nuclear bomb, approximately in the period of your human civilization''s world war ii, that is to say, all the civilizational technologies that were born after world war ii will all fail.

    【萬分抱歉,雖然天道文明對你們地球文明表示感謝,但宇宙生存法則的殘酷真相,讓我們不得不做出如此現實的卑劣舉措,希望你們能理解。】 extremely sorry, although the heavenly way civilization shows gratitude to your earth civilization, the cruel truth of the universalw of survival makes us have to make such a realistic despicable move, and hopefully you can understand.

    【盡管如此,我們天道文明對地球文明也已經算是仁至義盡,如果是其他高等文明,或許地球現在已經被毀滅。】even so, our heavenly way civilization has been quite kind to the earth civilization. if it were other high-level civilizations, perhaps the earth would have already been destroyed by now.

    【另外,告訴你們一個好消息,由於地球核能的複蘇,盤古大陸板塊合體後,靈氣會迅速充斥整個地球大氣層內部,你們人類如果堅持修煉,改善基因,千百萬年後,或許可以憑借強大的肉身遨遊宇宙。】in addition, let me tell you a good news. due to the recovery of earth''s nuclear energy, after the bination of the pangu continental te, the spiritual energy will quickly fill the inside of the entire earth''s atmosphere. if your humans persist in practicing and improving the genes, after tens of millions of years, perhaps you can roam the universe with a strong physical body.

    【屆時,你們會感激天道文明對地球科技的封鎖,促使你們放棄科技發展方向,而是往突破肉身桎梏的方向,走上破碎虛空的修煉成神之路。】at that time, you will appreciate the blockage of the earth''s technology by the heavenly way civilization, which prompts you to give up the direction of technological development, but instead go in the direction of breaking through the shackles of the physical body and embark on the road of cultivating and being a god by shattering the void.

    【最後,祝各位地球人類,未來可期,有緣茫茫宇宙再會。】finally, i wish all the earth humans a promising future, and we will meet again in the vast universe if there is a chance.

    【天道文明敬上】submitted by the heavenly way civilization.





