can you wait。i ant papa i''myte i wait no i。ma andtetete i open my curtains it''s a hot hot day。i y my。那個。嗯。i open mys。hot day a hot hot i make my bed and i wait wait wait。my my bed and my wait wait wait。go to the bathroom it‘s eight o’clock。i go to my bathroom at''eight o''clock。who in there?knock knock knock knock。me says j j can you wait let''j j can you wait。no i can''t change j i''mtetete。no i can''t j j i''mtetete。go to my bedroom pack my bag for school i get。open up that。two bathroom bedroom a pack my back for school。i be for school for school。i get dressed and i put on my shoes。i as。address。dress i guess dressed a a。and i put on my shoes。沒關係,慢來,i get dressed and i put on my shoes go。get dress and my put on。my shoes。my shoes。go to the bathroom。it''s a quarter after eight。here my best i''m called。可。it''s quarter quarter。as a quarter after eight i knock on the door and i wait wait wait。真的。knock knock chairman knock on the door。and knock on the door。and i wait。and i。when i wait wait wait。and wait wait wait。knock knock knock。敲門,who''s in there?in there yes i want to wash my face。i''wash my face and b my hair。and cool my hair。me says grand grand can you wait。me that grand grand can you wait。no i can''t grand grand i''mte。what‘s great?oh can grand i''mtetete。go to the kitchen and i drink my juice。i go to a。and。i go to the kitchen and。drink my truth。那。i go to the kitchen and i drink my juice go。i go to my teacher and drink my juice the kitchen and i drink my juice。i eat my breakfast with an su su。eat。a breakfast and and suho with aunt with aunt susu。位置跟誰在一起?cut your hair sunny。your hair sunny wash your face。wash your face。treat。you''retetete。you''retete very good,你看我發現你在讀的時候,這遍真的完全在模仿他的音調和語音,哎,特別棒,就是當你去模仿時候,你的聲音會越來越清晰啊,就模仿發音是一個學英文很很重要的狀態,而你這個狀態又很好,好接下來我們來自己來看這篇文章好不好?我們先來配合一下啊,i got up,好,那你先讀第一個,因為第一句中有一個單詞叫做quarter,對不對,容易讀錯,quarter就是多少。一個是15分鍾啊。他我們看一下啊,可無。發all quarter quarter quarter。啊,再來一遍。ok,好,那接下來呢,我們來開始啊,i get up,想想你就是這個sunny,你就是這個主人公好不好?來準備我們一人讀一個框啊,來,我啊,這樣你可以,你可以把全部演繹出來,如果有問題我會,我會提示您啊,來準備,i get up one to three go。i up every morning and a quarter to add i go to the bathroom to wash my face。knock knock knock knock knock knock knock。who in there?who''s there i can can i can use the bathroom and cut my hair。 my hair

    my hair。says papa says papa can you wait no i can papa i''mtetete。i open my。i own my curtain。oh my curtain is。a hot day。a hard heart day。i to the bathroom。i miss my sleep i make my bed and i wait wait wait。i bed and i wait wait wait very good。go the。i cut the bathroom at eight o''clock who''s in there knock knock很好。he says j j can you wait no i can''t j j i''mtetete,漂亮。i to the bedroom pick my big for school i get dressed and i put。on my shoes。go。i go to the bathroom at。after eight i look on。the door。and i wait wait wait good。yeah i want to wash my face and cut my hair。andy says green。me a。哥哥。a grand grand。gra can you wait no i can’t grand i‘mtete。i to the kitchen and i drive my ju i eat my breakfast rest a su。e you here e you hair but the wish you first sunny in washing your friends and that。as eight certain you''retetete very good okay,哇,你看這遍來說,你看剛真的去讀了一遍,這遍明顯就清楚了,比如knock knock就讀的很清楚了,非常棒。好,那今天我們就要把根據這個文章故事,我們會寫下文章中的題目來把那本厚的書打開,分那個student book。now chapter say到我們的62頁翻到了嗎?好,接下來你需要number,看到這個詞叫做number,是標順序的意思,numbers the things sunny does in order to sunny,按順序去做的一些事,ok,好,你告訴我numberone是什麽?是。what is one?that he breakfast has make the bag。那個開心幹嘛了?爸爸不在衛生間,所以他先去,make the。bad,對不對,然後然後幹嘛。你可以把你的打開,把你的打開吧,呃,這樣你會更加直觀一點啊,你看,首先你看他咚咚,knock knock knock who''s there mom but dad is there,對吧,所以說can you wait,他很無可奈何,說,ok i go back to my bathroom,迴到臥室,什麽open curtain,打開窗簾,什麽make the,看見沒有鋪床吧,see that。啊,然後等啊等啊,最後,然後他又發現,哦,第二次去的時候,誰在哪裏?jj在什麽?take a shower在洗澡,so you go back to the bathroom bedroom,他又迴到了臥室幹嘛?bag show football and get dressed and put on my shoes,看到沒有,收拾書包,然後呢,穿衣服,然後穿上鞋,然後最後,終於他又去敲門,發現不管在那兒,他好,他無可奈何,隻能去幹嘛,go to the kitchen eat breakfast,對,a drink my juice eat breakfast see that clinic。這題答案來標一下,來迴到那本書。a man。哦嗎?所以答案應該是什麽?序號應該是。二。,對啦,ok,就是這樣,ok,好,現在你看上次我們有沒有給他一些建議,就how can he make sure his isn''t建議他不要遲到,哎,我記得上次是不是給。哦,對對對,誒,我說的是幾個廁所啊,對,我說嘛,對吧,再多進幾個衛生間是吧?you have two bathroom,現在答案寫好了嗎?ok,那我們來一起來歸納一下,哎,怎麽才能不知道呢?哎,你看你可以說numberone寫第一個叫做。電,英文叫做build。to。是不是啊,像兩個衛生間bathroom。do to bathroom,第二個是什麽呢?可以怎麽說?你可以設置一個鬧鍾,對吧,提前就更早的醒,比如你說get up earlier,而就是更早的啊,這個也是英文中的比較級,那把現叫get up earlier,再早一點起床。這個行。back up earlier。ok,呃,還可以,還可有有一個就是可以,如果。起不了怎麽說,你可以說你可以說use the clock,用鬧鍾啊,use the clock,用鬧鍾叫醒自己對吧。嗯,好,那這幾個就寫上去了啊,那我們現在來,今天就進入到我們的新課,叫我們的lesson five,哎,又出現了這個sunny,你看他除了早上起床起晚,他還有一些日常生活對吧?然後呢,他除了在家裏麵會去上學以外,他在自己家裏麵還會做很多事情,圖片中出現了很多對吧,有一個他的什麽一個小妹妹對吧?啊,little baby,然後我們來先聽一遍,對,他來照顧這個小妹妹,我們聽下這個歌曲裏麵發生了什麽事情,看我們能不能聽一遍,能知道他到底經曆了些什麽,ok,開始啦。one。how little baby?baby please don''t cry。go to sleep。you wake up。such it''s nine o''clock it''s。hu,嗬。我原一個很喧鬧的一個歌聲,但其實他很安靜,幹嘛他在。哥哥的作用,他在哄小妹妹睡覺,所以這裏你看,但是他哄的時候哄很久沒睡著,所以他聽了,你看這有個tt來不及話來。tickto在英文中代表的是鬧鍾,滴答,滴答啊,可以做一把,中文寫的話叫滴答,滴答的聲音啊,滴答。大聲。滴滴答的聲音叫tick talk tiick top。啊的聲音啊,時間在過去,那hush就是安靜的意思。來,我們讀遍啊。在旁邊寫他的音標hush h好。歡迎。hush。as hush。哎,安靜點,hush little baby please don''t cry go to bed,去睡覺吧,你看他沒有說go to短,to短,是去入睡吧。那請問這個後麵its a quarter nine應該是哪個圖片呢?which one。是哪個圖片?你看我們這考是15分鍾,就是還有15分鍾就到幾點鍾,是不是到九點了,所以這個quarter nine其實對應的是八點什麽。45,所以還有15分鍾a quarter to nine,就是還有15分鍾就到九點鍾啊,所以你告訴我是哪個呢?哪個是還有15分鍾就到九點鍾呢。which。呃。第五個嗎?確定嗎?你看a quarter two nine是,還有15分鍾就到九點鍾,是08:45,所以答案應該是這裏,這才是08:45,大家應該選的是三這塊兒,ok,好,close your eyes,閉上你的眼睛,and go to sleep,睡覺吧,膏肓撕裂,睡覺吧。然後睡覺怎麽說?是不是?媽媽。是不是呀?睡覺嘛,對吧,嗯,然後you can wake up ok,你可以起床了,是選哪個?我。咿呀。okay how when it''s morning time,早上起來你就可以起床了。baby is,九點鍾了。itte,天色很晚了,tick talk tickok a,滴答滴答it''s a quarter after nine after在什麽之後?就九點之後,15分鍾是09:15,這應該是第幾個,是第五個09:15 now it''s eight nine thirty,現在都已經九點半啦。哇,是哪個呀?是這個呀。hush little baby go to sleep啊,好。最應該是四哦,哎,有個問題這裏是已經選掉了是不是。go to go to bed,所以那你看那應該是應該是師姐應該是劉是吧,數應該選的六對吧,嗯。這倆是睡覺的感覺啊,隻不過這個已經用掉了啊,ok,好。好,這邊的話我們是已經知道了,我們先自己讀一遍好不好?hush little baby please don''t這個don''t cry是指哭泣的意思,go。both bad,上床睡覺,it''s a quarter to nine,好,現在呢,我們來一起先讀一下啊,我們一人讀一行好不好?一人讀一行,你從這兒開始,let‘s。le baby baby has little please don''t cry。the bed is called a quarter to nine。這個地上這個close close your eyes day。and go to sleep。you can wake up。when it''s morning time,這裏無論是當什麽時候,it''s morning time,當早上的時候,你就可以起床了。哇。它是尖叫音,所以是啊。how。baby it''s nine o''clock。and nine o''clock。it''s gettingte。eighteente tick talk tick talk。tick talk tick talk it''s a quarter after nine。after nine now is eight now is''nine thirty。nine thirty how little baby。a little baby go to sleep。go sleep ok,好,那就是整篇文章,我們接下來我們去這次就是聽歌曲了啊,在聽歌曲的過程中呢,one啊,這裏有一些動詞,我看我們看一下啊,會有一些,裏麵會有一些,呃,就是我們說的那個單詞,我們先看一下啊,哪些單詞是我們爭取會寫的。oh two five。to me。good to sleep。wake up。wake up。起床。這個是就到幾點鍾,到九點鍾了,還差前麵就是還差多長時間的意思,所以這是quarter是15分鍾,你說還差,隻要我出去還差多長時間,就到這個幾點了。這是八點多。45看到了嗎?好,你繼續call,讀遍quarter tonight。nine quarter tonight。在什麽之後?在這裏不要看前麵就要看,比如after nine是九點以後了,所以從九點開始數,九點以後多長時間,九點以後15分鍾啊,所以09:15吧,我們讀遍quarter after nine。我。after nine。good afternoon。thirty。nine thirty。not thirty。這裏解決了這裏麵的問題啊,好,接下來我們帶著剛剛已經學過的單詞,我們再來聽一下這首歌兒,試他能不能用,我們也用溫柔的語調,能不能把它唱出來。一起唱little baby hush little baby。go to。go to sleep you can。little baby對吧?''s o。康熙。after nine now it''s nine thirty。ok,非常溫柔的一首歌啊,好。進來,你試著去,我們用自己溫,不用完全跟他一樣,我們可以用自己溫柔的語調唱一遍啊,比如,a little baby please don''t cry go to bed it''s called nine close your eyes and go to sleep you can wake up with morning time ok,好,我們試一下吧,hospital one two three go。touch little baby please don''t call go to bed at a。it quarter to nine。quarter to nine close your eyes and go to sleep you can wake up。we morning morning。baby。is there a clock house little baby it''s nine o''clock is getting to her。at a a quarter it''s a quarter after nine。is a quarter after nine。now is eight now it''s nine thirty。how now at''nine thirty hospital little baby go to sleep。他。hello baby。go to sleep。是不是?ok啊,這個溫柔,這個很溫柔哈,來,那我們這個沒關係,我們可以整體的把它接下來,我們可以完整的順利的可以拿出聲音把它大聲的朗讀一遍嗎?這個,哎,這就不用唱了,就讀啊,hush little baby please don''t cry go to bed it''s quarter to nine close your eyes and go to sleep you can wake up with morning time hospitalsh little baby is nine oclock is gettingte tick to tick tos a it''s a quarter after nine nows is thirty nine thirty hush little baby go to sleep ok,好,加一點節奏,他聲音比較清晰啊,我們來一遍啊,hospital baby來,one two three go。


