1 ri插rd nixon: rn (new york: grosset dup, 1978), p.1042.
2 1996年12月6日對理察?切尼的採訪。
3 memo to the president from henry a. kissinger re nsc meeting, saturday august 10, 1974, in national security adviser: nsc meeting file, box 1, folder “nsc meeting, august 10, 1974,” gerald r. ford library.
4 anatoly dobrynin, in confidence (new york: times books, 1995), pp.325?326.
5 robert t. hartmann, pce politics (new york: mcgraw?hill, 1980), p.283.
6 對2001年12月13日羅伯特?t.埃爾斯沃思的採訪。
7 “gerald r. ford?s remarks on taking the oath of office as president,” gerald r. ford library.
8 ron nessen, it sure looks different from the inside (chicago: yboy paperbacks, 1978年), p.150.
9 mi插el medved, the shadow president (new york: times books, 1979), p.36.
10 files of jerry h. jones, 1974—1977, box 10, ri插rd cheney, gerald r. ford library.
cheney interview with stephen wayne, hyde and wayne collection, gerald r. ford library.
handwritten notes from ri插rd cheney, may 29, 1975, in ri插rd cheney files, box 6, folder“intelligence—new york times articles by seymour hersh (1),” gerald r. ford library.
john hersey, the president (new york: alfred a. knopf, 1975), pp.120?121.
nessen, op. cit., p.132.
john osborne, white house watch: the ford years (new york: new republic books, 1977), pp.142?143.
hartmann, op. cit. pp.321?323; nessen, op. cit., 108?9; kissinger, years of renewal (new york: simon schuster, 1999), pp.534?535.
nessen, op. cit., pp.112?113.
kissinger, op. cit., pp.98?99.
ibid., p.105.
ibid., p.175.
hartmann, op. cit., p.283.
memorandum for don rumsfeld from dick cheney, july 8, 1975, in ri插rd cheney files, box 10, folder “solzhenitsyn, alexander,” gerald r. ford library.
caway memo to cheney, november 3, 1975, in caway papers, box 5, gerald r. ford library.
1996年12月11日對溫斯頓?洛德的採訪;walter isaacson, kissinger (new york: simon schuster, 1992), p.671。
osborne, op. cit., p.xxiv.
ford, a time to heal (new york: harper row, 1979), pp.320?327.
medved, op. cit., p.337.
osborne, op. cit., p.11.
ibid., pp.xxiv?xxv.
kissinger, op. cit., p.850.
ford, op. cit., 357?358; raymond garthoff, détente and confrontation (washington, d.c.: brookings institution press, 1985), pp.540?543.
“implications of recent trends in the united states and soviet military bnce,” by donald rumsfeld, james e. connor files, box 1, folder “defense, donald rumsfeld (3),” gerald r. ford library.
memorandum of conversation: president ford, dr. henry a. kissinger, donald rumsfeld and brent scowcroft, oval office, march 29, 1976, in national security advisor memoranda of conversations collection, box 18, gerald r. ford library.
teeter memo to cheney,“analysis of early research,” november 12, 1975, in robert m. teeter papers, box 63, gerald r. ford library.切尼對哈特曼的評論見hartmann papers, box 120, ford library。
weeklyption of presidential documents, vol.12, pp.22,350, quoted in garthoff, op. cit., pp.547?548.
ford, op. cit., p.374.
medved, op. cit., pp.337,339.
republican tform,“morality in foreign policy,” proceedings of the 1976 republican national convention.
nessen, op. cit., pp.229?231: ford, op. cit., 398; memo from mike duval to dick cheney, august 17, 1976, gerald r. ford library.
見don oberdorfer,“report saw soviet buildup for war,” cia dessifies controversial 1976 “team b” analysis, washington post, october 12, 1992, p.a11。
jack davis,“the 插llenge of managing uncertainty: paul wolfowitz on intellidence policy?rtions,” studies in intelligence, vol.39, no.5 (1996).
見robert dreyfuss,“the pentagon muzzles the cia” american prospects, vol.13, issue 22 (december 16, 2002), 及seymour m. hersh,“selective intelligence,” new yorker (may 12, 2003), p.44。
1 ri插rd nixon: rn (new york: grosset dup, 1978), p.1042.
2 1996年12月6日對理察?切尼的採訪。
3 memo to the president from henry a. kissinger re nsc meeting, saturday august 10, 1974, in national security adviser: nsc meeting file, box 1, folder “nsc meeting, august 10, 1974,” gerald r. ford library.
4 anatoly dobrynin, in confidence (new york: times books, 1995), pp.325?326.
5 robert t. hartmann, pce politics (new york: mcgraw?hill, 1980), p.283.
6 對2001年12月13日羅伯特?t.埃爾斯沃思的採訪。
7 “gerald r. ford?s remarks on taking the oath of office as president,” gerald r. ford library.
8 ron nessen, it sure looks different from the inside (chicago: yboy paperbacks, 1978年), p.150.
9 mi插el medved, the shadow president (new york: times books, 1979), p.36.
10 files of jerry h. jones, 1974—1977, box 10, ri插rd cheney, gerald r. ford library.
cheney interview with stephen wayne, hyde and wayne collection, gerald r. ford library.
handwritten notes from ri插rd cheney, may 29, 1975, in ri插rd cheney files, box 6, folder“intelligence—new york times articles by seymour hersh (1),” gerald r. ford library.
john hersey, the president (new york: alfred a. knopf, 1975), pp.120?121.
nessen, op. cit., p.132.
john osborne, white house watch: the ford years (new york: new republic books, 1977), pp.142?143.
hartmann, op. cit. pp.321?323; nessen, op. cit., 108?9; kissinger, years of renewal (new york: simon schuster, 1999), pp.534?535.
nessen, op. cit., pp.112?113.
kissinger, op. cit., pp.98?99.
ibid., p.105.
ibid., p.175.
hartmann, op. cit., p.283.
memorandum for don rumsfeld from dick cheney, july 8, 1975, in ri插rd cheney files, box 10, folder “solzhenitsyn, alexander,” gerald r. ford library.
caway memo to cheney, november 3, 1975, in caway papers, box 5, gerald r. ford library.
1996年12月11日對溫斯頓?洛德的採訪;walter isaacson, kissinger (new york: simon schuster, 1992), p.671。
osborne, op. cit., p.xxiv.
ford, a time to heal (new york: harper row, 1979), pp.320?327.
medved, op. cit., p.337.
osborne, op. cit., p.11.
ibid., pp.xxiv?xxv.
kissinger, op. cit., p.850.
ford, op. cit., 357?358; raymond garthoff, détente and confrontation (washington, d.c.: brookings institution press, 1985), pp.540?543.
“implications of recent trends in the united states and soviet military bnce,” by donald rumsfeld, james e. connor files, box 1, folder “defense, donald rumsfeld (3),” gerald r. ford library.
memorandum of conversation: president ford, dr. henry a. kissinger, donald rumsfeld and brent scowcroft, oval office, march 29, 1976, in national security advisor memoranda of conversations collection, box 18, gerald r. ford library.
teeter memo to cheney,“analysis of early research,” november 12, 1975, in robert m. teeter papers, box 63, gerald r. ford library.切尼對哈特曼的評論見hartmann papers, box 120, ford library。
weeklyption of presidential documents, vol.12, pp.22,350, quoted in garthoff, op. cit., pp.547?548.
ford, op. cit., p.374.
medved, op. cit., pp.337,339.
republican tform,“morality in foreign policy,” proceedings of the 1976 republican national convention.
nessen, op. cit., pp.229?231: ford, op. cit., 398; memo from mike duval to dick cheney, august 17, 1976, gerald r. ford library.
見don oberdorfer,“report saw soviet buildup for war,” cia dessifies controversial 1976 “team b” analysis, washington post, october 12, 1992, p.a11。
jack davis,“the 插llenge of managing uncertainty: paul wolfowitz on intellidence policy?rtions,” studies in intelligence, vol.39, no.5 (1996).
見robert dreyfuss,“the pentagon muzzles the cia” american prospects, vol.13, issue 22 (december 16, 2002), 及seymour m. hersh,“selective intelligence,” new yorker (may 12, 2003), p.44。