[18]critical edition with introduction andmentary by ompsides,,athens 1958.

    [19]detailed research into the manuscript tradition of the correspondence has been done by wmeere tradition manuscrite de correspondance de grégoire de chypre,brussels-rome 1937;the text of the autobiography with a french trans.is also given here(pp.176-91),but unfortunatelymeere has not done a new edition of the letters.the edition of(1910)is inessible to me,but asmeere,7 ff.,shows,it is very iplete and based on inadequate examination of the manuscripts.the two orations eulogizing mi插el 8 and andronicus 2 were publi射d by fr.boissonade,anecdota graeca 1,313-93.the collected works are in migne,pg 142,20-469,where the theological works against thetin doctrine and the supporters of the lesiastical union are printed together with the autobiography and the panegyrics.

    [20]on his life,his political activity and his literary work cf.the detailed study of j.verpeaux,nicéphore choumnos,homme d’etat et humaniste byzantin(c.1250/5-1327),paris 1959.

    [21]most of the known writiings of nicephorus chumnus can be found in fr.boissonade,anecdota graeca 1,2,3,5.the documents mentioned are also in zepos,jus 1,558 ff.and 549 ff.cf.also‘actes de l’athos’17 nr.26.cf.the full information,including a list of his works in manuscript in j.verpeaux,op.cit.,17 ff.

    [22]migne,pg 145,447-548.

    [23]the report of the embassy is given in sathas,(1872),154-93.most of the rhetorical works are still unedited,but there is,however,a eulogy on nicaea in sathas 1,139-53.the miscenea,the main work of metochites,is in the old edition of chr.g.müller and th.kiessling,th.metochitae miscenea philosophica et historica,leipzig 1821.of the twenty poems so far known,only three have been edited by m.treu,dichtungen d.grosslogotheten theodoros metochites,gymnasial-progr.potsdam 1895(the first poem giving detailed information on metochites’life is particrly important),and by r.guind,‘le pis de théodore métochite’,rev.des etudes grecques 35(1922),82.on the unedited poems cf.r.guind,‘les poésies inédites de théodore métochite’,b 3(1926),265 ff.;idem,correspondance de nicéphore grégoras 358 ff.;an evaluation of metochites and his work as a whole is made by h.g.beck,theodore metochites.die krise des byzantinischen weltbildes in 14.jahrhundert,munich 1952.of equal importance both for metochites and for chumnus,as well as for the intellectual life of the period,is the prating study by 1.sevcenko,?tudes sur polémique entre théodore métochite et nicéphore choumnos,brussels,1962.

    [24]fr.boissonade,anecdota graeca 5,159-82;m.treu,bz 5(1896),546 f.

    [25]l.previale,‘un panegirico inedito per michele 8 paleologo’,bz 42(1942),1 ff.

    [26]e.miller,manuelis phe carmina,2 vols.,paris 1855-7;a.martini,manuelis phe carmina inedita,naples 1900.

    [27]g.cammelli,démétrius cydonès,correspondance,paris 1930,gives a selection of fifty letters,with french trans.and a valuable biographical introduction.cf.the importantments of g.mercati,‘per l’epistrio di demetrio cidone’,studi bizant.e neoell.3(1931),203 ff.,and his extremely valuable work,notizie di procoro e demetrio cidone…ed altri appunti(studi e testi 56,vatican 1931),containing several other letters and important writings.the autobiography of demetrius cydones publi射d in this collection(359 ff.),has been tranted by h.g.beck,ostkirchliche studien i(1952),208-25;264-82.cf.also the sessful treatment of loenertz,‘m.paléologue et d.cydonès’,and particrly loenertz,lettres de d.cydonès,where there is a very thorough investigation into the whole manuscript tradition as the preliminary to aplete edition of the correspondence,as well as an edition of five more letters and two minor writings.now cf.the edition that has recently been publi射d by r.j.loenertz,démétrius cydlonès,correspondence i,ii,studi e testi 186(1956)and 208(1960)。

    [28]g.cammellii,‘demetrii cydonii orationes tres,adhuc ineditae’,bnj 3(1922),67 ff.and 4(1923),77 ff.,282 ff.

    [29]migne,pg 109,640 ff.;154,961 ff.,1009 ff.

    [30]za插ria von lingenthal,‘prooemien zu chrysobullen von d.cydones’,s.b.d.preuss.akad.1888,1409 ff.cf.also spmpros,‘ein proomium zu einem chrysobull von d.kydones’,bz 5(1896),339 f.

    [31]edited by r.-j.loenertz,correspondance de manuel calécas(studi e test 152,1950),with detailed biographical introduction and very useful prosopographical information on m.calecas’correspondents.

    [32]an important part of the hesy插st and anti-hesy插st writings still remains unedited.what has so far been publi射d is avable for the most part in migne,pg 150 and 151.three important writings of gregory pmas have been publi射d and tranted by j.meyendorff,grégoire pmas,défense des saints hésy插stes,louvain 1959.a closerinsight into both the edited and unedited hesy插st and anti-hesy插st works is givenby the important work of meyendorff,pmas.cf.also beck,kirche,712 ff.

    [33]p.enepekides,‘der briefwechsel des mystikers nikos kabass’bz 46(1953),18 ff.cf.the interesting observations on this in i.sevcenko,‘nicus cabass’correspondance and the treatment ofte byzantine literary texts’,bz 47(1954),49 ff.



