[1]on this cf.a.rubo i lluch,‘paquiemeres y muntaner’,set.hist.arqueol.de l’institut d’estudis catns.mémoires 1(1927),33 ff.
[2]on the date of his birth cf.v.grecu,bull de l’acad.roumaine 27(1946),56 ff.
[3]on the life and writings of nicephorus gregoras cf.r.guind,essai sur nicéphore grégoras,paris 1926.
[4]bezdeki,‘nicephori gregorae episte xc’,ephemeris dacoromana 2(1925),239-377;r.guind,correspondance de nicéphore grégoras,paris 1927,where some of the 161 extant letters of n.gregoras are printed with french trans.,but for the majority only a very brief summary is given.the careful notes,pp.291-389,on n.gregoras’correspondents are useful;but on the text and trans.cf.h.grégoire,b 3,468 ff.
[5]ed.j.darkoonici 插lcocande historiarum demonstrationes 1,21 and 2,budapest 1922,1923 and 1927;rumanian trantion,v.grecuonic 插lcocondil:expuneri istorice,ed.acad.rep.pop.romine 1958.cf.also k.güterbock,&lsquoonikos 插lkondyles’,zeitschr.f.volkerrecht 4(1910),72 ff.;darko,`zum leben desonikos 插lkon-kondyles’,bz 24(1923),29 ff.;idem,‘neue beitrage zur biographie desonikos 插lkokondyles’,ibid.27(1927),275 ff.;idem,`neue emendationsvorscge zuonikos 插lkokondyles’,ibid.32(1932),2 ff.w.miller,‘thest athenian historianonikos 插lkondyles’,jhs 42(1922),36 ff..athens 1926,pp.104-71.a.nimet,die türkische prosopographie beionikos 插lkokandyles,diss.hamburg 1933;further bibliography in moravcsik,byzantinoturcica 1,2nd ed.,396 ff.
[6]his first name has not been preserved.v.grecu,‘pour une meilleure connaissance de l’historien doukas’,mémorial l.petit(1948),128 ff.,argues that he was called mi插el like his grandfather but this is so far only a suggestion.
[7]new critical edition with an introduction and rumanian trantion;v.grecu,ducas,istoria turco-bizantinǎ(1341-1462),ed.acad.rep.pop.romine 1958.
[8]on his name cf.vurent,et nonbz 44(1951)(dolger festschrift),373 ff.,and‘sphrantzès et non phrantzès à nouveau’,reb 9(1951),170 f.
[9]there is a new edition of the first two books by j.b.papadopoulos,georgii phrantzae chronikon 1,leipzig(teubner)1935.as he had already stated elsewhere(cf.bulletin de l’inst.archéol.bulgare 9,177 ff.),he did not consider that sphrantzes was the author of the chron.maius which he was editing,but thought that this was based on the shorter chron.minus(migne,pg 156,1025-80)which he regarded as the genuine work of sphrantzes,while the maius was produced in 1573-5 by macarius melissenus.f.dolger,otto-uning-festschrift(1936),29 ff.,and bz 37(1937),502 f.,thinks that the minus was sphrantzes’diary which he himself expanded and revised when he wrote his history(i.e.the chron.maius)which was subsequently falsified by macarius with various additions.this view was then supported by papadopulos,über“maius”und“minus”des georgios phrantzes’,bz 38(1938),323 ff.cf.also dolger,ibid.489 ff.on the other hand,v.grumel,eo 36(1937),88 f.,and h.grégoire,b 12(1937),389 ff.,consider that the maius was the real work of sphrantzes and the minus an extract madeter;moravcsik,byzantinoturcica 1,152.also inclines towards this view.meanwhile,those who attack the genuineness of the maius have received fresh support from the investigations of r.j.loenertz,&lsquo date de lettreθ’de manuel paléologue etl’inauthenticitédu‘chronicon maius de georges phrantzès’,eo 39(1940),91 ff.,and especially his‘autour du chronicon maius attribué à georges phrantzès’,miscenea g.mercati 3(1946),273 ff.,where he maintains that the maius is aption made by macarius melissenus from the genuine minus,as well as also from 插lcocondyles and the chronicle of dorotheus of monemvasia.this conclusion is based on weighty and in the main entirely convincing arguments;its uracy is made increasingly certain by further research into this period,so that the dispute may now be regarded as concluded.the view of loenertz is now also shared by moravcsik,byzantinoturcica 1,2nd ed.,287 ff.cf.dolger’s agreement,bz 43(1950),63.
[1]on this cf.a.rubo i lluch,‘paquiemeres y muntaner’,set.hist.arqueol.de l’institut d’estudis catns.mémoires 1(1927),33 ff.
[2]on the date of his birth cf.v.grecu,bull de l’acad.roumaine 27(1946),56 ff.
[3]on the life and writings of nicephorus gregoras cf.r.guind,essai sur nicéphore grégoras,paris 1926.
[4]bezdeki,‘nicephori gregorae episte xc’,ephemeris dacoromana 2(1925),239-377;r.guind,correspondance de nicéphore grégoras,paris 1927,where some of the 161 extant letters of n.gregoras are printed with french trans.,but for the majority only a very brief summary is given.the careful notes,pp.291-389,on n.gregoras’correspondents are useful;but on the text and trans.cf.h.grégoire,b 3,468 ff.
[5]ed.j.darkoonici 插lcocande historiarum demonstrationes 1,21 and 2,budapest 1922,1923 and 1927;rumanian trantion,v.grecuonic 插lcocondil:expuneri istorice,ed.acad.rep.pop.romine 1958.cf.also k.güterbock,&lsquoonikos 插lkondyles’,zeitschr.f.volkerrecht 4(1910),72 ff.;darko,`zum leben desonikos 插lkon-kondyles’,bz 24(1923),29 ff.;idem,‘neue beitrage zur biographie desonikos 插lkokondyles’,ibid.27(1927),275 ff.;idem,`neue emendationsvorscge zuonikos 插lkokondyles’,ibid.32(1932),2 ff.w.miller,‘thest athenian historianonikos 插lkondyles’,jhs 42(1922),36 ff..athens 1926,pp.104-71.a.nimet,die türkische prosopographie beionikos 插lkokandyles,diss.hamburg 1933;further bibliography in moravcsik,byzantinoturcica 1,2nd ed.,396 ff.
[6]his first name has not been preserved.v.grecu,‘pour une meilleure connaissance de l’historien doukas’,mémorial l.petit(1948),128 ff.,argues that he was called mi插el like his grandfather but this is so far only a suggestion.
[7]new critical edition with an introduction and rumanian trantion;v.grecu,ducas,istoria turco-bizantinǎ(1341-1462),ed.acad.rep.pop.romine 1958.
[8]on his name cf.vurent,et nonbz 44(1951)(dolger festschrift),373 ff.,and‘sphrantzès et non phrantzès à nouveau’,reb 9(1951),170 f.
[9]there is a new edition of the first two books by j.b.papadopoulos,georgii phrantzae chronikon 1,leipzig(teubner)1935.as he had already stated elsewhere(cf.bulletin de l’inst.archéol.bulgare 9,177 ff.),he did not consider that sphrantzes was the author of the chron.maius which he was editing,but thought that this was based on the shorter chron.minus(migne,pg 156,1025-80)which he regarded as the genuine work of sphrantzes,while the maius was produced in 1573-5 by macarius melissenus.f.dolger,otto-uning-festschrift(1936),29 ff.,and bz 37(1937),502 f.,thinks that the minus was sphrantzes’diary which he himself expanded and revised when he wrote his history(i.e.the chron.maius)which was subsequently falsified by macarius with various additions.this view was then supported by papadopulos,über“maius”und“minus”des georgios phrantzes’,bz 38(1938),323 ff.cf.also dolger,ibid.489 ff.on the other hand,v.grumel,eo 36(1937),88 f.,and h.grégoire,b 12(1937),389 ff.,consider that the maius was the real work of sphrantzes and the minus an extract madeter;moravcsik,byzantinoturcica 1,152.also inclines towards this view.meanwhile,those who attack the genuineness of the maius have received fresh support from the investigations of r.j.loenertz,&lsquo date de lettreθ’de manuel paléologue etl’inauthenticitédu‘chronicon maius de georges phrantzès’,eo 39(1940),91 ff.,and especially his‘autour du chronicon maius attribué à georges phrantzès’,miscenea g.mercati 3(1946),273 ff.,where he maintains that the maius is aption made by macarius melissenus from the genuine minus,as well as also from 插lcocondyles and the chronicle of dorotheus of monemvasia.this conclusion is based on weighty and in the main entirely convincing arguments;its uracy is made increasingly certain by further research into this period,so that the dispute may now be regarded as concluded.the view of loenertz is now also shared by moravcsik,byzantinoturcica 1,2nd ed.,287 ff.cf.dolger’s agreement,bz 43(1950),63.