[1]new edition with french trantion by e.renauld,michel psellos,chronographie,2 vols,paris 1926,1928.cf.h.grégoire’s emendations in b 2,550 ff.,and b 4,716 ff.j.sykutris,bz 27,99 ff.,and bz 29,40 ff.english trans.by e.r.a.sewter,london 1953.
[2]e.kurt-f.drexl,mi插elis pselli scripta minora,1-2,mn 1936,1941.vol.1 contains a collection of speeches and asional pieces,many of which were previously unknown;vol.2 gives 273 letters of psellus of which all but sixty are publi射d here for the first time.cf.also f.drexl,‘nachtrage zur ausgabe der psellosbriefe von kurtz-drexl’,bz 41(1941),309 f.;idem,‘index nominum zu den von sathas,boissonade,hase,ruelle und tafel edierten psellosbriefen’,ibid.299 ff.;and j.darrouzès,‘notes d’épistolographie et d’histoire de textes’,reb 12(1954)176 ff.
[3]ed.p.degarde,gottingen 1882.further references in j.m.hussey,‘the writings of john mauropous:a bibliographical note’,bz 44(1951),278 ff.on the significance of this schr cf.idem,church and learning,39 ff.,52 ff.;‘the canons of john mauropous’,jrs 37(1947),70 ff.;‘the byzantine empire in the eleventh century’,trans.roy.hist.soc.32(1950),84 ff.
[4]french trantion(to 1056),h.grégoire,b 28(1958),325-62.
[5]skabnovic,viz.gosudarstvo pp.x3 and x8,shows the individual use which scylitzes and zonaras both made of their material for this period.on the rtion of zonaras to psellus cf.the paper of ompsides,,eebs 19(1949),170 ff.
[6]edd.b.wassiliewsky-v.jernstedt,cecaumeni strategicon et incerti scriptoris de officiis regiis libellus,st.petersburg 1896.part is edited with a russian trantion and very valuablementary by v.vasiljevskij,‘sovety i rasskazy vizantijskogo bojarina Ⅺ v’。(the advice and admonitions of a byzantine nobleman of the eleventh century),zmnp 215(1881),242-99,216(1881),102-71,316-57.german trantion with a good introduction,h.beck,vademecum des byzantinischen aristokraten.das sogenannte strategikon des kekaumenos,in byzantinische geschichtsschreiber 5,graz.-vienna-cologne,1956.the assumption of g.buckler,‘authorship of the strategikon of cecaumenus’,bz 36(1936),7 ff.,and‘can cecaumenus be the author of the strategikon?’,b 13(1938),139 ff.,that the famous byzantine general cecaumenus was the author of both works has met with a certain amount of scepticism.cf.n.banescu,‘a propos de kekaumenos’,b 13(1938),129 ff.(cf.also‘autour de kekaumenos’,reb 6(1948),191 ff.);p.orgels,‘kekaumenos et guerre pétchénègue’,ibid.402 ff.;m.gyoni,‘l’oeuvre de kékauménos,source de l’histoire roumaine’,revue d’histoireparée 23(1945),96-180.but h.g.beck,op.cit.argues for the identification proposed by buckler,as does moravcsik,who at first was sceptical(byzantinoturcica 1(1 st ed.)。,112,201 f.),but now agrees with her(byzantinoturcica 1(2nd ed.)350 f.).in histest work p.lemerle remains,however,sceptical:‘prolégomènes à une edition critique etmentée des’conseils et récits’de kekaumenos’mémoires de l’acad.royale de belgique liv(1960),37 ff,and in my opinion he is right.j.karayannopulos is also sceptical in an article in which he reflects in the main the view of previous studies:‘zur frage der autors插ft am strategikon des kekaumenos,bz 54(1961),257 ff.for the date ofposition of the work,cf.lemerle,op.cit.20.cf.also g.g.litavrin,byl li kekavmen,avtor’strategikona’,feodalom?’(was cecaumenus,the author of the strategicon,a feudal lord?),vizantijskie ocerki,moscow,1961,217 ff.
[7]zepos,jus 4,1-260.
[8]ed.n.svoronos,recherches sur le cadastre byzantin et fiscalitéaux xie et xiie siècles:le cadastre de thebes,paris-athens,1959.
[9]ed.5.n.benesevic,zavescanie vizantijskogo bojarina Ⅺ v.(the will of a byzantine nobleman of the eleventh century),zmnp,n.s.9(1907),219 ff.english trantion,s.vryonis,‘the will of a provincial magnate,eustathius bos’,dop 11(1957),263 ff.abbreviated russian trantion by m.levcenko,in sbornik dokumentov po social’-no-ekonomiceskoj istorii vizantii,moscow,1961,169 ff.textual emendations by r.m.bartikjan,5519(1961),26 ff.
[10]the most important publications for this and the seeding centuries are:miklosich-müller:‘actes de l’athos’;za插riae,jus 3=zepos,jus 1;‘akty russkogo na sv.afone monastyrja sv.velikomucenika panteleimona’(documents of the russian monastery of the holy martyr panteleimon on mt.athos),kiev 1873;t.florinskij,afonskie akty,st.petersburg 1880;ph.meyer,haupturkunden zur geschichte der athoskloster,leipzig 1894;w.regel,,st.petersburg 1898;m.gudas,,eebs 4(1927),211-48;ch.ktenas,,ibid.285-311;n.bees,2(1911-12),1-100 th.ouspensky et 5.bénéchévitch,actes de vazélon,leningrad 1927;a.solovjev-5.mosin,grcke povelje srpskih dara(greek documents of the serbian rulers),belgrade 1936;5.mosin,‘akti iz svetogorskih arhiva’(documents from the archives of the holy mountain),spomenik 91(1939);5.mosin-a.sovre.supplementa ad acta graeca chndarii,ljubljana 1948;g.rouird et p.collomp,actes devra 1(897-1178),paris 1937;p.lemerle,actes de kutlumus,paris 1945;f.dolger,aus den s插tzkammern des heiligen berges,munich 1948;f.dolger,sechs byzantinische praktika des 14.jahrhunderts für das athoskloster iberon,abh.d.bayer.akad.d.wiss.,n.f.28,munich 1949;a.guillou,les archives de saint-jean-prodrome sur le mont ménécée,paris,1955.the publications of rouird-collomp,lemerle,and dolger’s great collection,provide facsimiles of the documents and seals.
[1]new edition with french trantion by e.renauld,michel psellos,chronographie,2 vols,paris 1926,1928.cf.h.grégoire’s emendations in b 2,550 ff.,and b 4,716 ff.j.sykutris,bz 27,99 ff.,and bz 29,40 ff.english trans.by e.r.a.sewter,london 1953.
[2]e.kurt-f.drexl,mi插elis pselli scripta minora,1-2,mn 1936,1941.vol.1 contains a collection of speeches and asional pieces,many of which were previously unknown;vol.2 gives 273 letters of psellus of which all but sixty are publi射d here for the first time.cf.also f.drexl,‘nachtrage zur ausgabe der psellosbriefe von kurtz-drexl’,bz 41(1941),309 f.;idem,‘index nominum zu den von sathas,boissonade,hase,ruelle und tafel edierten psellosbriefen’,ibid.299 ff.;and j.darrouzès,‘notes d’épistolographie et d’histoire de textes’,reb 12(1954)176 ff.
[3]ed.p.degarde,gottingen 1882.further references in j.m.hussey,‘the writings of john mauropous:a bibliographical note’,bz 44(1951),278 ff.on the significance of this schr cf.idem,church and learning,39 ff.,52 ff.;‘the canons of john mauropous’,jrs 37(1947),70 ff.;‘the byzantine empire in the eleventh century’,trans.roy.hist.soc.32(1950),84 ff.
[4]french trantion(to 1056),h.grégoire,b 28(1958),325-62.
[5]skabnovic,viz.gosudarstvo pp.x3 and x8,shows the individual use which scylitzes and zonaras both made of their material for this period.on the rtion of zonaras to psellus cf.the paper of ompsides,,eebs 19(1949),170 ff.
[6]edd.b.wassiliewsky-v.jernstedt,cecaumeni strategicon et incerti scriptoris de officiis regiis libellus,st.petersburg 1896.part is edited with a russian trantion and very valuablementary by v.vasiljevskij,‘sovety i rasskazy vizantijskogo bojarina Ⅺ v’。(the advice and admonitions of a byzantine nobleman of the eleventh century),zmnp 215(1881),242-99,216(1881),102-71,316-57.german trantion with a good introduction,h.beck,vademecum des byzantinischen aristokraten.das sogenannte strategikon des kekaumenos,in byzantinische geschichtsschreiber 5,graz.-vienna-cologne,1956.the assumption of g.buckler,‘authorship of the strategikon of cecaumenus’,bz 36(1936),7 ff.,and‘can cecaumenus be the author of the strategikon?’,b 13(1938),139 ff.,that the famous byzantine general cecaumenus was the author of both works has met with a certain amount of scepticism.cf.n.banescu,‘a propos de kekaumenos’,b 13(1938),129 ff.(cf.also‘autour de kekaumenos’,reb 6(1948),191 ff.);p.orgels,‘kekaumenos et guerre pétchénègue’,ibid.402 ff.;m.gyoni,‘l’oeuvre de kékauménos,source de l’histoire roumaine’,revue d’histoireparée 23(1945),96-180.but h.g.beck,op.cit.argues for the identification proposed by buckler,as does moravcsik,who at first was sceptical(byzantinoturcica 1(1 st ed.)。,112,201 f.),but now agrees with her(byzantinoturcica 1(2nd ed.)350 f.).in histest work p.lemerle remains,however,sceptical:‘prolégomènes à une edition critique etmentée des’conseils et récits’de kekaumenos’mémoires de l’acad.royale de belgique liv(1960),37 ff,and in my opinion he is right.j.karayannopulos is also sceptical in an article in which he reflects in the main the view of previous studies:‘zur frage der autors插ft am strategikon des kekaumenos,bz 54(1961),257 ff.for the date ofposition of the work,cf.lemerle,op.cit.20.cf.also g.g.litavrin,byl li kekavmen,avtor’strategikona’,feodalom?’(was cecaumenus,the author of the strategicon,a feudal lord?),vizantijskie ocerki,moscow,1961,217 ff.
[7]zepos,jus 4,1-260.
[8]ed.n.svoronos,recherches sur le cadastre byzantin et fiscalitéaux xie et xiie siècles:le cadastre de thebes,paris-athens,1959.
[9]ed.5.n.benesevic,zavescanie vizantijskogo bojarina Ⅺ v.(the will of a byzantine nobleman of the eleventh century),zmnp,n.s.9(1907),219 ff.english trantion,s.vryonis,‘the will of a provincial magnate,eustathius bos’,dop 11(1957),263 ff.abbreviated russian trantion by m.levcenko,in sbornik dokumentov po social’-no-ekonomiceskoj istorii vizantii,moscow,1961,169 ff.textual emendations by r.m.bartikjan,5519(1961),26 ff.
[10]the most important publications for this and the seeding centuries are:miklosich-müller:‘actes de l’athos’;za插riae,jus 3=zepos,jus 1;‘akty russkogo na sv.afone monastyrja sv.velikomucenika panteleimona’(documents of the russian monastery of the holy martyr panteleimon on mt.athos),kiev 1873;t.florinskij,afonskie akty,st.petersburg 1880;ph.meyer,haupturkunden zur geschichte der athoskloster,leipzig 1894;w.regel,,st.petersburg 1898;m.gudas,,eebs 4(1927),211-48;ch.ktenas,,ibid.285-311;n.bees,2(1911-12),1-100 th.ouspensky et 5.bénéchévitch,actes de vazélon,leningrad 1927;a.solovjev-5.mosin,grcke povelje srpskih dara(greek documents of the serbian rulers),belgrade 1936;5.mosin,‘akti iz svetogorskih arhiva’(documents from the archives of the holy mountain),spomenik 91(1939);5.mosin-a.sovre.supplementa ad acta graeca chndarii,ljubljana 1948;g.rouird et p.collomp,actes devra 1(897-1178),paris 1937;p.lemerle,actes de kutlumus,paris 1945;f.dolger,aus den s插tzkammern des heiligen berges,munich 1948;f.dolger,sechs byzantinische praktika des 14.jahrhunderts für das athoskloster iberon,abh.d.bayer.akad.d.wiss.,n.f.28,munich 1949;a.guillou,les archives de saint-jean-prodrome sur le mont ménécée,paris,1955.the publications of rouird-collomp,lemerle,and dolger’s great collection,provide facsimiles of the documents and seals.