[26]cf.stein,‘ein kapitel’70 ff.
[27]the connection of the theme system with the settlement of troops and the introduction of soldiers’properties was first pointed out by uspenskij,‘voennoe ustrojstvo’,199 ff.without knowing of uspenskij’s work,stein,studien,134 ff.,came to the same conclusion,and subsequent research on this development has been influenced by his important study.the recent doubts cast on this by lemerle,‘histoire agraire’219,p.70 ff.,220,p.43 ff.,and karayannopulos,op.cit.,15 ff.,72 ff.,are quite unjustified.cf.myments in‘l’exar插t de ravenne et l’origine des thèmes byzantins’,vii corso di cultura sull’arte ravennate e byzantina,1960,fasc.1,105 ff.cf.also the well founded criticism by a.p.kazdan,5516(1959),92 ff.
[28]cf.a.pertusi,&lsquo formation des thèmes byzantines’,31,and my own article referred to in the previous note.in view of the obvious rtionship between the theme system and the earlier organization of the roman-byzantine empire i see no reason to suppose,as stein does(‘ein kapitel’50 ff.),that heraclius’system of themes was borrowed from the persian empire,however great the simrities may be.the same applies to darkó’s theory that the organization of the themes may be traced back to turanian models,cf.e.darkó,‘influences touraniennes sur l’évolution de l’art militaire des grecs,des romains et des byzantins’,b 10(1935),443 ff.,12(1937),119 ff.;&lsquo militarizzazione dell’impero bizantino’,studi biz.e neoell.5(1939),88 ff.;‘le role des peuples nomades cavaliers dans transformation de l’empire romain aux premiers siècles du moyen age’,b 18(1948),85 ff.
[29]the name of the theme opsikiont.obsequium)clearly shows that regiments of guards were settled here.a simr origin is revealed by the names of the themes bucerion and optimaton,which wereter formed by dividing the theme opsikion.in the same way,the themes armeniakon and anatolikon are not geographical descriptions but the districts where troops of that name settled,especially as the theme armeniakon was not in armenian territory,while the theme anatolikony in the western part of asia minor.simrly theter theme thracesion was the district where troops moved from thrace to asia minor were settled(cf.p.100,n.3 below)。
[30]&lsquo vie de s.phrète’,b 9(1934),126.
[31]ibn hordadbeh,ed.de goeje,pp.84 and 85;cf.also de cerim.654 ff.and 667 ff.
[32]it has been calcted that the total expenditure on the army in the middle byzantine period was approximately‘half that paid out in the sixth century for an army which was not muchrger but which was certainly worse’,stein,studien 143.
[33]this development has been elucidated by stein,studien 144 ff.cf.also stein’sments in ztschr.d.savigny-stift.,rom.abt.41(1920),239 ff.;rhein mus.74(1925),389 ff.;geschichte 1,340 f.
[34]stein,studien 147:‘the old financial departments,particrly thergitiones,were killed by malnutrition,but the pretorian prefecture shortly afterwards died of the opposite mdy for it literally burst from gross overnutrition’。
[35]a logothete,whom stein,‘ein kapitel’74 f.,establi射s as theappears in the year 626 in chron.pas插le 721.there is also evidence of theat the end of the seventh century,cf.theophanes 365,367,369 and nicephorus 37.cf.bury,admin.system 86.thest certain mention of a praetorian prefect of the eastes from the year 629:zepos,jus 1,37.cf.stein,‘ein kapitel’72 ff.thementioned by nicephorus 38,15 in 695 was certainly not praetorian prefect of the east,butmander of the praetorium in constantinople.
[36]the first knownfell in 759/60 in the bulgarian war,theophanes 431.cf.stein,studien 144;dolger,‘kodikellos’54.
[37]cf.theophyl.sim.218 and theophanes 268(for maurice)and george pisides,exped.pers.1,104 ff.(for heraclius)。
[38]theophanes 302(under the year 621):.the founding of theter theme,at that time a turma,i.e.a part of the theme anatolikon,is clearly connected with the settling of the european troops in asia minor(as kkovskij,istorija,3,58,has already observed)。
[39]for the persian expeditions of heraclius see pernice,eraclio 111 ff.,and kkovskij,istorija 3,57 ff.,and also the detailed studies by gend,bz 3(1898),330 ff.,and especially n.h.baynes,ehr 19(1904),694 ff.,and 27(1912),287 ff.,also bz 26(1926),55 f.,opposing a.jülicher,harnack-festgabe(1921),121-33.see also j.a.manandjan,marsruty persidskich pochodov imperatora iraklija(the itineraries of the persian campaigns of the emperor heraclius),553(1950),133 ff.summary by n.h.baynes,cmh 2(1913),292 ff.
[40]theophanes 303(under the year 622):.the expression‘the districts of the themes’shows that the process of establishing troops(themes)in specific areas of asia minor has already begun by this time.this extremely important passage,which theophanes undoubtedly drew from a contemporary source,is 插racteristic of the initial stage of the organization of the themes.soon afterwards the names of individual themes appear:in 626 the contemporary easter chronicle(chron.pas插le 715,20)mentions aes of the opsikon(forread’:cf.c.diehl,bz 9,677)and in january 627 the chronicle of theophanes(thoeph.325,3)mentions a turmarch of the armeniakon.thus the setting up of the system of themes was begun before the victory of heraclius over persia,and not after as stein believed(also w.ensslin in the article cited above,p.96,n.1),in contradiction to his entirely justifiable view that the setting up of the themes provides the only possible exnation for the‘ans wunderbare grenzenden umschwung’in the war between byzantium and persia(studien,133).even less eptable is the view of a.pertusi and n.h.baynes(in the works cited above,p.96,n.1),that the setting up of the theme system did not begin until the second half of the seventh century.for a more detailed discussion see my own articles referred to in the same note.
[27]the connection of the theme system with the settlement of troops and the introduction of soldiers’properties was first pointed out by uspenskij,‘voennoe ustrojstvo’,199 ff.without knowing of uspenskij’s work,stein,studien,134 ff.,came to the same conclusion,and subsequent research on this development has been influenced by his important study.the recent doubts cast on this by lemerle,‘histoire agraire’219,p.70 ff.,220,p.43 ff.,and karayannopulos,op.cit.,15 ff.,72 ff.,are quite unjustified.cf.myments in‘l’exar插t de ravenne et l’origine des thèmes byzantins’,vii corso di cultura sull’arte ravennate e byzantina,1960,fasc.1,105 ff.cf.also the well founded criticism by a.p.kazdan,5516(1959),92 ff.
[28]cf.a.pertusi,&lsquo formation des thèmes byzantines’,31,and my own article referred to in the previous note.in view of the obvious rtionship between the theme system and the earlier organization of the roman-byzantine empire i see no reason to suppose,as stein does(‘ein kapitel’50 ff.),that heraclius’system of themes was borrowed from the persian empire,however great the simrities may be.the same applies to darkó’s theory that the organization of the themes may be traced back to turanian models,cf.e.darkó,‘influences touraniennes sur l’évolution de l’art militaire des grecs,des romains et des byzantins’,b 10(1935),443 ff.,12(1937),119 ff.;&lsquo militarizzazione dell’impero bizantino’,studi biz.e neoell.5(1939),88 ff.;‘le role des peuples nomades cavaliers dans transformation de l’empire romain aux premiers siècles du moyen age’,b 18(1948),85 ff.
[29]the name of the theme opsikiont.obsequium)clearly shows that regiments of guards were settled here.a simr origin is revealed by the names of the themes bucerion and optimaton,which wereter formed by dividing the theme opsikion.in the same way,the themes armeniakon and anatolikon are not geographical descriptions but the districts where troops of that name settled,especially as the theme armeniakon was not in armenian territory,while the theme anatolikony in the western part of asia minor.simrly theter theme thracesion was the district where troops moved from thrace to asia minor were settled(cf.p.100,n.3 below)。
[30]&lsquo vie de s.phrète’,b 9(1934),126.
[31]ibn hordadbeh,ed.de goeje,pp.84 and 85;cf.also de cerim.654 ff.and 667 ff.
[32]it has been calcted that the total expenditure on the army in the middle byzantine period was approximately‘half that paid out in the sixth century for an army which was not muchrger but which was certainly worse’,stein,studien 143.
[33]this development has been elucidated by stein,studien 144 ff.cf.also stein’sments in ztschr.d.savigny-stift.,rom.abt.41(1920),239 ff.;rhein mus.74(1925),389 ff.;geschichte 1,340 f.
[34]stein,studien 147:‘the old financial departments,particrly thergitiones,were killed by malnutrition,but the pretorian prefecture shortly afterwards died of the opposite mdy for it literally burst from gross overnutrition’。
[35]a logothete,whom stein,‘ein kapitel’74 f.,establi射s as theappears in the year 626 in chron.pas插le 721.there is also evidence of theat the end of the seventh century,cf.theophanes 365,367,369 and nicephorus 37.cf.bury,admin.system 86.thest certain mention of a praetorian prefect of the eastes from the year 629:zepos,jus 1,37.cf.stein,‘ein kapitel’72 ff.thementioned by nicephorus 38,15 in 695 was certainly not praetorian prefect of the east,butmander of the praetorium in constantinople.
[36]the first knownfell in 759/60 in the bulgarian war,theophanes 431.cf.stein,studien 144;dolger,‘kodikellos’54.
[37]cf.theophyl.sim.218 and theophanes 268(for maurice)and george pisides,exped.pers.1,104 ff.(for heraclius)。
[38]theophanes 302(under the year 621):.the founding of theter theme,at that time a turma,i.e.a part of the theme anatolikon,is clearly connected with the settling of the european troops in asia minor(as kkovskij,istorija,3,58,has already observed)。
[39]for the persian expeditions of heraclius see pernice,eraclio 111 ff.,and kkovskij,istorija 3,57 ff.,and also the detailed studies by gend,bz 3(1898),330 ff.,and especially n.h.baynes,ehr 19(1904),694 ff.,and 27(1912),287 ff.,also bz 26(1926),55 f.,opposing a.jülicher,harnack-festgabe(1921),121-33.see also j.a.manandjan,marsruty persidskich pochodov imperatora iraklija(the itineraries of the persian campaigns of the emperor heraclius),553(1950),133 ff.summary by n.h.baynes,cmh 2(1913),292 ff.
[40]theophanes 303(under the year 622):.the expression‘the districts of the themes’shows that the process of establishing troops(themes)in specific areas of asia minor has already begun by this time.this extremely important passage,which theophanes undoubtedly drew from a contemporary source,is 插racteristic of the initial stage of the organization of the themes.soon afterwards the names of individual themes appear:in 626 the contemporary easter chronicle(chron.pas插le 715,20)mentions aes of the opsikon(forread’:cf.c.diehl,bz 9,677)and in january 627 the chronicle of theophanes(thoeph.325,3)mentions a turmarch of the armeniakon.thus the setting up of the system of themes was begun before the victory of heraclius over persia,and not after as stein believed(also w.ensslin in the article cited above,p.96,n.1),in contradiction to his entirely justifiable view that the setting up of the themes provides the only possible exnation for the‘ans wunderbare grenzenden umschwung’in the war between byzantium and persia(studien,133).even less eptable is the view of a.pertusi and n.h.baynes(in the works cited above,p.96,n.1),that the setting up of the theme system did not begin until the second half of the seventh century.for a more detailed discussion see my own articles referred to in the same note.