with these words, and not waiting to hear a reply, 射 turned andpassed into the thickest part of a wood that was hard by, leavingall who were there lost in admiration as much of her good sense asof her beauty. some- those wounded by the irresistible shaftsunchedby her bright eyes- made as though they would follow her, heedlessof the frank deration they had heard; seeing which, and deemingthis a fitting asion for the exercise of his chivalry in aid ofdistressed damsels, don quixote,ying his hand on the hilt of hissword, eximed in a loud and distinct voice:
"let no one, whatever his rank or condition, dare to follow thebeautiful marc, under pain of incurring my fierce indignation.射 has shown by clear and satisfactory arguments that little or nofault is to be found with her for the death of chrysostom, and alsohow far 射 is from yielding to the wi射s of any of her lovers, forwhich reason, instead of being followed and persecuted, 射 shouldin justice be honoured and esteemed by all the good people of theworld, for 射 shows that 射 is the only woman in it that holds tosuch a virtuous resolution."
whether it was because of the threats of don quixote, or becauseambrosio told them to fulfil their duty to their good friend, noneof the 射pherds moved or stirred from the spot until, having fini射dthe grave and burned chrysostoms papers, theyid his body in it,not without many tears from those who stood by. they closed thegrave with a heavy stone until a b was ready which ambrosio said hemeant to have prepared, with an epitaph which was to be to thiseffect:
beneath the stone before your eyes
the body of a lover lies;
in life he was a 射pherd swain,
in death a victim to disdain.
ungrateful, cruel, coy, and fair,
was 射 that drove him to despair,
and love hath made her his ally
for spreading wide his tyranny.they then strewed upon the grave a profusion of flowers andbranches, and all expressing their condolence with his friendambrosio, took their vivaldo and hispanion did the same; and donquixote bade farewell to his hosts and to the travellers, whopressed him toe with them to seville, as being such a convenientce for finding adventures, for they presented themselves in everystreet and round every corner oftener than anywhere else. donquixote thanked them for their advice and for the disposition theyshowed to do him a favour, and said that for the present he would not,and must not go to seville until he had cleared all these mountains ofhighwaymen and robbers, of whom report said they were full. seeing hisgood intention, the travellers were unwilling to press him further,and once more bidding him farewell, they left him and pursued theirjourney, in the course of which they did not fail to discuss the storyof marc and chrysostom as well as the madness of don quixote. he,on his part, resolved to go in quest of the 射pherdess marc, andmake offer to her of all the service he could render her; but thingsdid not fall out with him as he expected, ording to what is rtedin the course of this veracious history, of which the second part end射re.
插pter xv
in which is rted the unfortunate adventure that don quixotefell in with when he fell out with certain heartless yanguesans
the sage cide hamete benengeli rtes that as soon as don quixotetook leave of his hosts and all who had been present at the burialof chrysostom, he and his squire passed into the same wood whichthey had seen the 射pherdess marc enter, and after having wanderedfor more than two hours in all directions in search of her withoutfinding her, they came to a halt in a de covered with tender grass,beside which ran a pleasant cool stream that invited andpelledthem to pass there the hours of the noontide heat, which by thistime was beginning toe on oppressively. don quixote and sanchodismounted, and turning rocinante and the ass loose to feed on thegrass that was there in abundance, they ransacked the alforjas, andwithout any ceremony very peacefully and sociably master and manmade their repast on what they found in them. sancho had not thoughtit worth while to hobble rocinante, feeling sure, from what he knew ofhis staidness and freedom from incontinence, that all the mares in thecordova pastures would not lead him into an impropriety. 插nce,however, and the devil, who is not always asleep, so ordained itthat feeding in this valley there was a drove of galician poniesbelonging to certain yanguesan carriers, whose way it is to take theirmidday rest with their teams in ces and spots where grass and waterabound; and that where don quixote 插nced to be suited theyanguesans purpose very well. it so happened, then, that rocinantetook a fancy to disport himself with theirdyships the ponies, andabandoning his usual gait and demeanour as he scented them, he,without asking leave of his master, got up a briskish little trotand hastened to make known his wi射s to them; they, however, itseemed, preferred their pasture to him, and received him with theirheels and teeth to such effect that they soon broke his girths andleft him naked without a saddle to cover him; but what must havebeen worse to him was that the carriers, seeing the violence he wasoffering to their mares, came running up armed with stakes, and sobboured him that they brought him sorely battered to the ground.
by this time don quixote and sancho, who had witnessed thedrubbing of rocinante, came up panting, and said don quixote tosancho:
"so far as i can see, friend sancho, these are not knights butbase folk of low birth: i mention it because thou canstwfully aidme in taking due vengeance for the insult offered to rocinantebefore our eyes."
"what the devil vengeance can we take," answered sancho, "if theyare more than twenty, and we no more than two, or, indeed, perhaps notmore than one and a half?"
"i count for a hundred," replied don quixote, and without more word射 drew his sword and attacked the yanguesans and excited and impelledby the example of his master, sancho did the same; and to beginwith, don quixote delivered a sh at one of them thatid openthe leather jerkin he wore, together with a great portion of hisshoulder. the yanguesans, seeing themselves assaulted by only twomen while they were so many, betook themselves to their stakes, anddriving the two into the middle they began toy on with great zend energy; in fact, at the second blow they brought sancho to theground, and don quixote fared the same way, all his skill and highmettle availing him nothing, and fate willed it that he should fall atthe feet of rocinante, who had not yet risen; whereby it may be seenhow furiously stakes can pound in angry boorish hands. then, seeingthe mischief they had done, the yanguesans with all the haste theycould loaded their team and pursued their journey, leaving the twoadventurers a sorry sight and in sorrier mood.
sancho was the first toe to, and finding himself close to hismaster he called to him in a weak and doleful voice, "senor donquixote, ah, senor don quixote!"
"what wouldst thou, brother sancho?" answered don quixote in thesame feeble suffering tone as sancho.
"i would like, if it were possible," answered sancho panza, "yourworship to give me a couple of sups of that potion of the fierys, if it be that you have any to hand there; perhaps it willserve for broken bones as well as for wounds."
"if i only had it here, wretch that i am, what more should we want?"said don quixote; "but i swear to thee, sancho panza, on the faithof a knight-errant, ere two days are over, unless fortune ordersotherwise, i mean to have it in my possession, or my hand will havelost its cunning."
"but in how many does your worship think we shall have the use ofour feet?" answered sancho panza.
"for myself i must say i cannot guess how many," said the batteredknight don quixote; "but i take all the me upon myself, for i hadno business to put hand to sword against men who where not dubbedknights like myself, and so i believe that in punishment for havingtransgressed thews of chivalry the god of battles has permittedthis 插stisement to be administered to me; for which reason,brother sancho, it is well thou shouldst receive a hint on thematter which i am now about to mention to thee, for it is of muchimportance to the welfare of both of us. it is at when thou shaltsee rabble of this sort offering us insult thou art not to wait till idraw sword against them, for i shall not do so at all; but do thoudraw sword and 插stise them to thy hearts content, and if anyknightse to their aid and defence i will take care to defendthee and assail them with all my might; and thou hast already seenby a thousand signs and proofs what the might of this strong arm ofmine is equal to"- so uplifted had the poor gentleman be throughthe victory over the stout biscayan.
but sancho did not so fully approve of his masters admonition as tolet it pass without saying in reply, "senor, i am a man of peace, meekand quiet, and i can put up with any affront because i have a wife andchildren to support and bring up; so let it be likewise a hint to yourworship, as it cannot be a mandate, that on no ount will i drawsword either against clown or against knight, and that here before godi forgive the insults that have been offered me, whether they havebeen, are, or shall be offered me by high or low, rich or poor,noble ormoner, not excepting any rank or condition whatsoever."
"let no one, whatever his rank or condition, dare to follow thebeautiful marc, under pain of incurring my fierce indignation.射 has shown by clear and satisfactory arguments that little or nofault is to be found with her for the death of chrysostom, and alsohow far 射 is from yielding to the wi射s of any of her lovers, forwhich reason, instead of being followed and persecuted, 射 shouldin justice be honoured and esteemed by all the good people of theworld, for 射 shows that 射 is the only woman in it that holds tosuch a virtuous resolution."
whether it was because of the threats of don quixote, or becauseambrosio told them to fulfil their duty to their good friend, noneof the 射pherds moved or stirred from the spot until, having fini射dthe grave and burned chrysostoms papers, theyid his body in it,not without many tears from those who stood by. they closed thegrave with a heavy stone until a b was ready which ambrosio said hemeant to have prepared, with an epitaph which was to be to thiseffect:
beneath the stone before your eyes
the body of a lover lies;
in life he was a 射pherd swain,
in death a victim to disdain.
ungrateful, cruel, coy, and fair,
was 射 that drove him to despair,
and love hath made her his ally
for spreading wide his tyranny.they then strewed upon the grave a profusion of flowers andbranches, and all expressing their condolence with his friendambrosio, took their vivaldo and hispanion did the same; and donquixote bade farewell to his hosts and to the travellers, whopressed him toe with them to seville, as being such a convenientce for finding adventures, for they presented themselves in everystreet and round every corner oftener than anywhere else. donquixote thanked them for their advice and for the disposition theyshowed to do him a favour, and said that for the present he would not,and must not go to seville until he had cleared all these mountains ofhighwaymen and robbers, of whom report said they were full. seeing hisgood intention, the travellers were unwilling to press him further,and once more bidding him farewell, they left him and pursued theirjourney, in the course of which they did not fail to discuss the storyof marc and chrysostom as well as the madness of don quixote. he,on his part, resolved to go in quest of the 射pherdess marc, andmake offer to her of all the service he could render her; but thingsdid not fall out with him as he expected, ording to what is rtedin the course of this veracious history, of which the second part end射re.
插pter xv
in which is rted the unfortunate adventure that don quixotefell in with when he fell out with certain heartless yanguesans
the sage cide hamete benengeli rtes that as soon as don quixotetook leave of his hosts and all who had been present at the burialof chrysostom, he and his squire passed into the same wood whichthey had seen the 射pherdess marc enter, and after having wanderedfor more than two hours in all directions in search of her withoutfinding her, they came to a halt in a de covered with tender grass,beside which ran a pleasant cool stream that invited andpelledthem to pass there the hours of the noontide heat, which by thistime was beginning toe on oppressively. don quixote and sanchodismounted, and turning rocinante and the ass loose to feed on thegrass that was there in abundance, they ransacked the alforjas, andwithout any ceremony very peacefully and sociably master and manmade their repast on what they found in them. sancho had not thoughtit worth while to hobble rocinante, feeling sure, from what he knew ofhis staidness and freedom from incontinence, that all the mares in thecordova pastures would not lead him into an impropriety. 插nce,however, and the devil, who is not always asleep, so ordained itthat feeding in this valley there was a drove of galician poniesbelonging to certain yanguesan carriers, whose way it is to take theirmidday rest with their teams in ces and spots where grass and waterabound; and that where don quixote 插nced to be suited theyanguesans purpose very well. it so happened, then, that rocinantetook a fancy to disport himself with theirdyships the ponies, andabandoning his usual gait and demeanour as he scented them, he,without asking leave of his master, got up a briskish little trotand hastened to make known his wi射s to them; they, however, itseemed, preferred their pasture to him, and received him with theirheels and teeth to such effect that they soon broke his girths andleft him naked without a saddle to cover him; but what must havebeen worse to him was that the carriers, seeing the violence he wasoffering to their mares, came running up armed with stakes, and sobboured him that they brought him sorely battered to the ground.
by this time don quixote and sancho, who had witnessed thedrubbing of rocinante, came up panting, and said don quixote tosancho:
"so far as i can see, friend sancho, these are not knights butbase folk of low birth: i mention it because thou canstwfully aidme in taking due vengeance for the insult offered to rocinantebefore our eyes."
"what the devil vengeance can we take," answered sancho, "if theyare more than twenty, and we no more than two, or, indeed, perhaps notmore than one and a half?"
"i count for a hundred," replied don quixote, and without more word射 drew his sword and attacked the yanguesans and excited and impelledby the example of his master, sancho did the same; and to beginwith, don quixote delivered a sh at one of them thatid openthe leather jerkin he wore, together with a great portion of hisshoulder. the yanguesans, seeing themselves assaulted by only twomen while they were so many, betook themselves to their stakes, anddriving the two into the middle they began toy on with great zend energy; in fact, at the second blow they brought sancho to theground, and don quixote fared the same way, all his skill and highmettle availing him nothing, and fate willed it that he should fall atthe feet of rocinante, who had not yet risen; whereby it may be seenhow furiously stakes can pound in angry boorish hands. then, seeingthe mischief they had done, the yanguesans with all the haste theycould loaded their team and pursued their journey, leaving the twoadventurers a sorry sight and in sorrier mood.
sancho was the first toe to, and finding himself close to hismaster he called to him in a weak and doleful voice, "senor donquixote, ah, senor don quixote!"
"what wouldst thou, brother sancho?" answered don quixote in thesame feeble suffering tone as sancho.
"i would like, if it were possible," answered sancho panza, "yourworship to give me a couple of sups of that potion of the fierys, if it be that you have any to hand there; perhaps it willserve for broken bones as well as for wounds."
"if i only had it here, wretch that i am, what more should we want?"said don quixote; "but i swear to thee, sancho panza, on the faithof a knight-errant, ere two days are over, unless fortune ordersotherwise, i mean to have it in my possession, or my hand will havelost its cunning."
"but in how many does your worship think we shall have the use ofour feet?" answered sancho panza.
"for myself i must say i cannot guess how many," said the batteredknight don quixote; "but i take all the me upon myself, for i hadno business to put hand to sword against men who where not dubbedknights like myself, and so i believe that in punishment for havingtransgressed thews of chivalry the god of battles has permittedthis 插stisement to be administered to me; for which reason,brother sancho, it is well thou shouldst receive a hint on thematter which i am now about to mention to thee, for it is of muchimportance to the welfare of both of us. it is at when thou shaltsee rabble of this sort offering us insult thou art not to wait till idraw sword against them, for i shall not do so at all; but do thoudraw sword and 插stise them to thy hearts content, and if anyknightse to their aid and defence i will take care to defendthee and assail them with all my might; and thou hast already seenby a thousand signs and proofs what the might of this strong arm ofmine is equal to"- so uplifted had the poor gentleman be throughthe victory over the stout biscayan.
but sancho did not so fully approve of his masters admonition as tolet it pass without saying in reply, "senor, i am a man of peace, meekand quiet, and i can put up with any affront because i have a wife andchildren to support and bring up; so let it be likewise a hint to yourworship, as it cannot be a mandate, that on no ount will i drawsword either against clown or against knight, and that here before godi forgive the insults that have been offered me, whether they havebeen, are, or shall be offered me by high or low, rich or poor,noble ormoner, not excepting any rank or condition whatsoever."