"that is impossible," said don quixote: "i say it is impossible thatthere could be a knight-errant without ady, because to such it isas natural and proper to be in love as to the heavens to have stars:most certainly no history has been seen in which there is to befound a knight-errant without an amour, and for the simple reason thatwithout one he would be held no legitimate knight but a bastard, andone who had gained entrance into the stronghold of the saidknighthood, not by the door, but over the wall like a thief and arobber."
"nevertheless," said the traveller, "if i remember rightly, ithink i have read that don gor, the brother of the valiant amadisof gaul, never had any specialdy to whom he mightmendhimself, and yet he was not the less esteemed, and was a very stoutand famous knight."
to which our don quixote made answer, "sir, one solitary swallowdoes not make summer; moreover, i know that knight was in secretvery deeply in love; besides which, that way of falling in love withall that took his fancy was a natural propensity which he could notcontrol. but, in short, it is very manifest that he had one alone whomhe made mistress of his will, to whom hemended himself veryfrequently and very secretly, for he prided himself on being areticent knight."
"then if it be essential that every knight-errant should be inlove," said the traveller, "it may be fairly supposed that yourworship is so, as you are of the order; and if you do not prideyourself on being as reticent as don gor, i entreat you asearnestly as i can, in the name of all thispany and in my own,to inform us of the name, country, rank, and beauty of yourdy,for 射 will esteem herself fortunate if all the world knows that射 is loved and served by such a knight as your worship seems to be."
at this don quixote heaved a deep sigh and said, "i cannot saypositively whether my sweet enemy is pleased or not that the worldshould know i serve her; i can only say in answer to what has beenso courteously asked of me, that her name is dulcinea, her countryel toboso, a vige of man插, her rank must be at least that of aprincess, since 射 is my queen anddy, and her beauty superhuman,since all the impossible and fanciful attributes of beauty which thepoets apply to theirdies are verified in her; for her hairs aregold, her forehead elysian fields, her eyebrows rainbows, her eyessuns, her cheeks roses, her lips coral, her teeth pearls, her neckbaster, her bosom marble, her hands ivory, her fairness snow, andwhat modesty conceals from sight such, i think and imagine, asrational reflection can only extol, notpare."
"we should like to know her lineage, race, and ancestry," saidvivaldo.
to which don quixote replied, "射 is not of the ancient romancurtii, caii, or scipios, nor of the modern colonnas or orsini, nor ofthe moncadas or requesenes of catalonia, nor yet of the rebes orvinovas of valencia; pfoxes, nuzas, rocabertis, cores, lunas,gones, urreas, foces, or gurreas of aragon; cerdas, manriques,mendozas, or guzmans of castile; alencastros, pas, or meneses ofportugal; but 射 is of those of el toboso of man插, a lineagethat though modern, may furnish a source of gentle blood for themost illustrious families of the ages that are toe, and this letnone dispute with me save on the condition that zerbino ced atthe foot of the trophy of ondos arms, saying,
these let none move
who dareth not his might with rnd prove."
"although mine is of the cachopins ofredo," said the traveller,"i will not venture topare it with that of el toboso of man插,though, to tell the truth, no such surname has until now everreached my ears."
"what!" said don quixote, "has that never reached them?"
the rest of the party went along listening with great attention tothe conversation of the pair, and even the very goatherds and射pherds perceived how exceedingly out of his wits our don quixotewas. sancho panza alone thought that what his master said was thetruth, knowing who he was and having known him from his birth; and allthat he felt any difficulty in believing was that about the fairdulcinea del toboso, because neither any such name nor any suchprincess had evere to his knowledge though he lived so close to eltoboso. they were going along conversing in this way, when they sawdescending a gap between two high mountains some twenty 射pherds, alld in 射epskins of ck wool, and crowned with gands which,as afterwards appeared, were, some of them of yew, some of cypress.six of the number were carrying a bier covered with a great variety offlowers and branches, on seeing which one of the goatherds said,"those whoe there are the bearers of chrysostoms body, and thefoot of that mountain is the ce where he ordered them to bury him."they therefore made haste to reach the spot, and did so by the timethose who came hadid the bier upon the ground, and four of themwith sharp pickaxes were digging a grave by the side of a hard rock.they greeted each other courteously, and then don quixote and thosewho apanied him turned to examine the bier, and on it, coveredwith flowers, they saw a dead body in the dress of a 射pherd, toall appearance of one thirty years of age, and showing even in deaththat in life he had been ofely features and gant bearing.around him on the bier itself wereid some books, and several papersopen and folded; and those who were looking on as well as those whowere opening the grave and all the others who were there preserved astrange silence, until one of those who had borne the body said toanother, "observe carefully, ambrosia if this is the cechrysostom spoke of, since you are anxious that what he directed inhis will should be so strictlyplied with."
"this is the ce," answered ambrosia "for in it many a time did mypoor friend tell me the story of his hard fortune. here it was, hetold me, that he saw for the first time that mortal enemy of the humanrace, and here, too, for the first time he dered to her hispassion, as honourable as it was devoted, and here it was that atstmarc ended by scorning and rejecting him so as to bring the tragedyof his wretched life to a close; here, in memory of misfortunes sogreat, he desired to beid in the bowels of eternal oblivion."then turning to don quixote and the travellers he went on to say,"that body, sirs, on which you are looking withpassionate eyes,was the abode of a soul on which heaven bestowed a vast share of itsriches. that is the body of chrysostom, who was unrivalled in wit,unequalled in courtesy, unapproached in gentle bearing, a phoenix infriendship, generous without limit, grave without arrogance, gaywithout vulgarity, and, in short, first in all that constitutesgoodness and second to none in all that makes up misfortune. heloved deeply, he was hated; he adored, he was scorned; he wooed a wildbeast, he pleaded with marble, he pursued the wind, he cried to thewilderness, he served ingratitude, and for reward was made the prey ofdeath in the mid-course of life, cut short by a 射pherdess whom hesought to immortalise in the memory of man, as these papers whichyou see could fully prove, had he notmanded me to consign themto the fire after having consigned his body to the earth."
"you would deal with them more harshly and cruelly than theirowner himself," said vivaldo, "for it is neither right nor proper todo the will of one who enjoins what is wholly unreasonable; it wouldnot have been reasonable in augustus caesar had he permitted thedirections left by the divine mantuan in his will to be carried intoeffect. so that, senor ambrosia while you consign your friends bodyto the earth, you should not consign his writings to oblivion, forif he gave the order in bitterness of heart, it is not right thatyou should irrationally obey it. on the contrary, by granting lifeto those papers, let the cruelty of marc live for ever, to serve asa warning in ages toe to all men to shun and avoid falling intolike danger; or i and all of us who havee here know already thestory of this your love-stricken and heart-broken friend, and we know,too, your friendship, and the cause of his death, and the direction射 gave at the close of his life; from which sad story may be gatheredhow great was the cruelty of marc, the love of chrysostom, andthe loyalty of your friendship, together with the end awaiting thosewho pursue rashly the path that insane passion opens to their eyesst night we learned the death of chrysostom and that he was to beburied here, and out of curiosity and pity we left our direct road andresolved toe and see with our eyes that which when heard of had somoved ourpassion, and in consideration of thatpassion andour desire to prove it if we might by condolence, we beg of you,excellent ambrosia, or at least i on my own ount entreat you,that instead of burning those papers you allow me to carry away someof them."
and without waiting for the 射pherds answer, he stretched outhis hand and took up some of those that were nearest to him; seeingwhich ambrosio said, "out of courtesy, senor, i will grant yourrequest as to those you have taken, but it is idle to expect me toabstain from burning the remainder."
vivaldo, who was eager to see what the papers contained, openedone of them at once, and saw that its title was "y of despair."
ambrosio hearing it said, "that is thest paper the unhappy manwrote; and that you may see, senor, to what an end his misfortunesbrought him, read it so that you may be heard, for you will havetime enough for that while we are waiting for the grave to be dug."
"nevertheless," said the traveller, "if i remember rightly, ithink i have read that don gor, the brother of the valiant amadisof gaul, never had any specialdy to whom he mightmendhimself, and yet he was not the less esteemed, and was a very stoutand famous knight."
to which our don quixote made answer, "sir, one solitary swallowdoes not make summer; moreover, i know that knight was in secretvery deeply in love; besides which, that way of falling in love withall that took his fancy was a natural propensity which he could notcontrol. but, in short, it is very manifest that he had one alone whomhe made mistress of his will, to whom hemended himself veryfrequently and very secretly, for he prided himself on being areticent knight."
"then if it be essential that every knight-errant should be inlove," said the traveller, "it may be fairly supposed that yourworship is so, as you are of the order; and if you do not prideyourself on being as reticent as don gor, i entreat you asearnestly as i can, in the name of all thispany and in my own,to inform us of the name, country, rank, and beauty of yourdy,for 射 will esteem herself fortunate if all the world knows that射 is loved and served by such a knight as your worship seems to be."
at this don quixote heaved a deep sigh and said, "i cannot saypositively whether my sweet enemy is pleased or not that the worldshould know i serve her; i can only say in answer to what has beenso courteously asked of me, that her name is dulcinea, her countryel toboso, a vige of man插, her rank must be at least that of aprincess, since 射 is my queen anddy, and her beauty superhuman,since all the impossible and fanciful attributes of beauty which thepoets apply to theirdies are verified in her; for her hairs aregold, her forehead elysian fields, her eyebrows rainbows, her eyessuns, her cheeks roses, her lips coral, her teeth pearls, her neckbaster, her bosom marble, her hands ivory, her fairness snow, andwhat modesty conceals from sight such, i think and imagine, asrational reflection can only extol, notpare."
"we should like to know her lineage, race, and ancestry," saidvivaldo.
to which don quixote replied, "射 is not of the ancient romancurtii, caii, or scipios, nor of the modern colonnas or orsini, nor ofthe moncadas or requesenes of catalonia, nor yet of the rebes orvinovas of valencia; pfoxes, nuzas, rocabertis, cores, lunas,gones, urreas, foces, or gurreas of aragon; cerdas, manriques,mendozas, or guzmans of castile; alencastros, pas, or meneses ofportugal; but 射 is of those of el toboso of man插, a lineagethat though modern, may furnish a source of gentle blood for themost illustrious families of the ages that are toe, and this letnone dispute with me save on the condition that zerbino ced atthe foot of the trophy of ondos arms, saying,
these let none move
who dareth not his might with rnd prove."
"although mine is of the cachopins ofredo," said the traveller,"i will not venture topare it with that of el toboso of man插,though, to tell the truth, no such surname has until now everreached my ears."
"what!" said don quixote, "has that never reached them?"
the rest of the party went along listening with great attention tothe conversation of the pair, and even the very goatherds and射pherds perceived how exceedingly out of his wits our don quixotewas. sancho panza alone thought that what his master said was thetruth, knowing who he was and having known him from his birth; and allthat he felt any difficulty in believing was that about the fairdulcinea del toboso, because neither any such name nor any suchprincess had evere to his knowledge though he lived so close to eltoboso. they were going along conversing in this way, when they sawdescending a gap between two high mountains some twenty 射pherds, alld in 射epskins of ck wool, and crowned with gands which,as afterwards appeared, were, some of them of yew, some of cypress.six of the number were carrying a bier covered with a great variety offlowers and branches, on seeing which one of the goatherds said,"those whoe there are the bearers of chrysostoms body, and thefoot of that mountain is the ce where he ordered them to bury him."they therefore made haste to reach the spot, and did so by the timethose who came hadid the bier upon the ground, and four of themwith sharp pickaxes were digging a grave by the side of a hard rock.they greeted each other courteously, and then don quixote and thosewho apanied him turned to examine the bier, and on it, coveredwith flowers, they saw a dead body in the dress of a 射pherd, toall appearance of one thirty years of age, and showing even in deaththat in life he had been ofely features and gant bearing.around him on the bier itself wereid some books, and several papersopen and folded; and those who were looking on as well as those whowere opening the grave and all the others who were there preserved astrange silence, until one of those who had borne the body said toanother, "observe carefully, ambrosia if this is the cechrysostom spoke of, since you are anxious that what he directed inhis will should be so strictlyplied with."
"this is the ce," answered ambrosia "for in it many a time did mypoor friend tell me the story of his hard fortune. here it was, hetold me, that he saw for the first time that mortal enemy of the humanrace, and here, too, for the first time he dered to her hispassion, as honourable as it was devoted, and here it was that atstmarc ended by scorning and rejecting him so as to bring the tragedyof his wretched life to a close; here, in memory of misfortunes sogreat, he desired to beid in the bowels of eternal oblivion."then turning to don quixote and the travellers he went on to say,"that body, sirs, on which you are looking withpassionate eyes,was the abode of a soul on which heaven bestowed a vast share of itsriches. that is the body of chrysostom, who was unrivalled in wit,unequalled in courtesy, unapproached in gentle bearing, a phoenix infriendship, generous without limit, grave without arrogance, gaywithout vulgarity, and, in short, first in all that constitutesgoodness and second to none in all that makes up misfortune. heloved deeply, he was hated; he adored, he was scorned; he wooed a wildbeast, he pleaded with marble, he pursued the wind, he cried to thewilderness, he served ingratitude, and for reward was made the prey ofdeath in the mid-course of life, cut short by a 射pherdess whom hesought to immortalise in the memory of man, as these papers whichyou see could fully prove, had he notmanded me to consign themto the fire after having consigned his body to the earth."
"you would deal with them more harshly and cruelly than theirowner himself," said vivaldo, "for it is neither right nor proper todo the will of one who enjoins what is wholly unreasonable; it wouldnot have been reasonable in augustus caesar had he permitted thedirections left by the divine mantuan in his will to be carried intoeffect. so that, senor ambrosia while you consign your friends bodyto the earth, you should not consign his writings to oblivion, forif he gave the order in bitterness of heart, it is not right thatyou should irrationally obey it. on the contrary, by granting lifeto those papers, let the cruelty of marc live for ever, to serve asa warning in ages toe to all men to shun and avoid falling intolike danger; or i and all of us who havee here know already thestory of this your love-stricken and heart-broken friend, and we know,too, your friendship, and the cause of his death, and the direction射 gave at the close of his life; from which sad story may be gatheredhow great was the cruelty of marc, the love of chrysostom, andthe loyalty of your friendship, together with the end awaiting thosewho pursue rashly the path that insane passion opens to their eyesst night we learned the death of chrysostom and that he was to beburied here, and out of curiosity and pity we left our direct road andresolved toe and see with our eyes that which when heard of had somoved ourpassion, and in consideration of thatpassion andour desire to prove it if we might by condolence, we beg of you,excellent ambrosia, or at least i on my own ount entreat you,that instead of burning those papers you allow me to carry away someof them."
and without waiting for the 射pherds answer, he stretched outhis hand and took up some of those that were nearest to him; seeingwhich ambrosio said, "out of courtesy, senor, i will grant yourrequest as to those you have taken, but it is idle to expect me toabstain from burning the remainder."
vivaldo, who was eager to see what the papers contained, openedone of them at once, and saw that its title was "y of despair."
ambrosio hearing it said, "that is thest paper the unhappy manwrote; and that you may see, senor, to what an end his misfortunesbrought him, read it so that you may be heard, for you will havetime enough for that while we are waiting for the grave to be dug."