兩人在電話裏瞎扯。jennifer的中文雖然蜻蜓點水,卻也未必目不識丁,如今想在她麵前蒙混過關,已行不通。她問馮路:“who are you flirting with?”(你在和誰打情罵俏啊?)

    “i am not flirting, it’s my attorney, talking about the cases。”(我可不是打情罵俏,那是我的律師,在討論案子。)

    jennifer知道他們談的不是官司的內容,又懶得與他爭得麵紅耳赤,“time’s up, i got to go。”(時間到了,我該走了。)

    “fine, i will be with you soon 。”(好吧,我就來。)然後,他對著電話說:“對不起,老婆要去上班啦。”



    jennifer埋怨道:“i heard it clear, you were talking about some movie stuff。 why did you say about the case? i am telling you cheating hurt me more。 you are going to shoot a romance with her, aren’t you? (我明明聽到你們在講什麽電影的事,你幹嘛說是官司啊?我告訴你欺騙比傷害更殘忍,你不是想和她拍一部愛的羅曼史吧?)

    “i thought your chinese good enough to y a heroine in a show i have been nning, though i am so disappointed with that。”(我原以為你的中文如火純青,讓你擔任女主角兒,現在看來是一場空歡喜。)馮路巧妙地繞開了‘審查’。

    “say yes, mean no。 you have been aware that my acting was pathetic。”“別口是心非了,你知道我的演技有口皆‘悲’。”

    “now that youhave got a sleep with a great director like me, anyway i ever got to bring you out。”(你都跟我這樣的大導演有過潛規則了,說什麽我都得把你捧紅啊。)

    “drat you!how did you make up your mind on a screen, though?” (討厭!)jennifer搡了他一下。(你怎麽又打起熒屏的主意啦?)

    “you know what, a fine tv-y could strike root in the hearts of the people。 so i want to make a thought-provoking one with my full capacity, making it unforgettable for mr。 yan。”(一部好的電視劇能深入人心,我準備全力打造一部發人深省的精美之作,讓我的老朋友閻成永遠記憶猶新。)

    “and what you want me to y? don’t tell me it’s a clown。”jennifer故意言不由衷地說:(那你想讓我演什麽?不至於是小醜吧。)

    “almost there, you made a spectacle of yourself in thest seminar, didn’t you?。”(我看差不多,你不是在那天的講座上出夠了洋相嘛。)馮路有意挖苦她。

    jennifer不服氣地又搡了他一下,“who knows you chinese are so hypocritical, iming yourself married。”(誰知道你們中國人這麽虛偽,聲稱自己結了婚。)



