馮路的處境令jennifer擔憂,她走到桌邊的椅子旁,“you are so stubborn that something unexpected would happen to you。”(你真固執,非要發生什麽意外你才甘心啊,)“we could worry so much about you。 look, try someone else of power before you are going back。。you chinese care much of connections, don’t you? (你沒有任何幫助,我們會成天提心吊膽的,聽著,你迴去前,試著找個有背景的人,你們中國人不是很在乎關係嘛。)

    馮路突然發現jennifer這段時間與自己相處,耳濡目染使她漸漸深入地了解了中國文化,他笑道:“jennifer,jennifer,you have really changed a lot these years。 when did you start to show the interest to my country? (jennifer,jennifer,你這些年變化真大,什麽時候開始對中國感興趣了?)

    “i have been closing to you, why are you so ignorant?”(我一直都在向你靠近,你怎麽那麽麻木不仁呢?)

    “well, i just felt you americans self-esteemed, not understanding that much,  things are changing, though。”(那倒不是,我隻是覺得你們美國人唯我獨尊,並不善解人意,當然,現在情形在改變。)馮路說話時,有點自以為是。

    “do you think we have to change our values just because china is getting rich?”jennifer一聽這話,覺得很不舒服,明擺著馮路在她麵前,炫耀富有,就說:(難道因為你們中國變得有錢了,我們就得改變價值觀嘛?)

    馮路發現不好,jennifer又要找茬了,便說:“stop arguing, i just appreciateyou began to think my way。”(別爭啦,我隻是感激你用我的方式考慮問題了。)

    “i didn’t before?, you are such a ungrateful guy。”jennifer很生氣,(我以前不是這樣嗎?你真忘恩負義。)

    小lulu似乎覺察出爸爸媽媽又在爭執,趕緊過來打圓場,“just give me another ride on your shoulders, daddy。”(爸爸,你再讓我在你的肩膀上騎一騎吧。)



